Chapter 6 - America's Tour (cont.)

Start from the beginning

After President Lula da Silva finished his speech, it was William's turn to speak.

William: Good afternoon, President of the Brazilian Republic, First Brazilian Lady, members of the Brazilian government and their wives and husbands, members of the Brazilian Senate and Congress, governors of Brazilian states, distinguished guests, my family and I are very happy to have this tour of ours as it is. the third and fourth generation but we came as a family, we saw how we were welcomed by the people of the Brazilian states their loving wisdom, we saw the museums of the states we visited they represent the history of the people the culture of your language, we also visited the lungs of our planet earth where inside there are species that will be threatened by the climate threat it is very important that we take care of our planet earth. During the visit to the Amazon we met some indigenous tribes with whom they shared their history from the arrival of the Portuguese, to your independence in 1822, the recognition by the 2nd Emperor D.Pedro II for the lost lands of the tribes to the empire, that same emperor founded the navy and the army, I remember that the regent Princess Isabel signed the Air Law that completely extinguished slavery throughout Brazilian territory. We know the times the world is in, we can be at war against the common enemy and in the end we will win the battle. Brazil wants its history from prehistory its first inhabitants discovered in 1500 its independence the foundation of the republic the military dictatorships to the present, the Brazilian people are resistant and always will be, they are affectionate with the tourists who visit the country. Finally I want to say that it was a pleasure to visit this wonderful country with my family and I hope to one day return either with my family or my daughter on her first tour, thank you very much.

After William's speech, they went to see the military parades.

After the parade, the Cambrigde couple said goodbye to everyone present in which, before getting into the car, the president offered some toys to the princess. (...) already at the hotel, having dinner and pampering the baby who was about to sleep, they took her to the crib, from there, they went to take a shower because at 11 am they would go to the airport for the last stop of the tour. Already awake, in which they ate lunch, they went to the airport and thanked those who were there to say goodbye to them. The journey began and during most of those hours writing speeches.

 The journey began and during most of those hours writing speeches

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