🍏Chapter 1🍎

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Quackity's POV:

I was was walking behind Sapnap while grumbling a bit. We had our shifts at the rink today, so that mean't our lucky asses were going to be working ungodly hours because Dream couldn't decide on the 'perfect' hours! Could you believe that?! It was so annoying..but at least I have a shift with Sapnap, and my dumbass brother Boomer..and a few other people I guess. But Sapnaptus and I were stopping at the candy shop to visit Karl, and to get a few monsters since that was basically our life line. Oh speaking of which we were walking in!

"Hey Karl!"

I said excitedly, while walking over to the counter, and basically shoving Sapnap out of the way.

"Hey Quackster!"

Karl replied to me, and that brought a grin to my face..I then heard Sapnap whine a bit.

"Quackity...I'm fragile in the morning! Don't push me around!"

I then laughed a bit at that, Sapnap was so dramatic. After listening to him whine a bit more, I jumped over the counter, and helped myself to the fridge. I grabbed four monsters, and snickered a bit at Karl knowing exactly what I was getting, so he already had the money I owed rung up on the cash register.

"Sapnap's paying today since it's his turnnn!"

I said in a sing song voice, while putting our monsters in a plastic bag. I hoped back over the counter after, and hummed a bit while I watched Sapnap groan.

"I always pay! This is injustice! I demand my rights!"

Sapnap said while taking out his wallet, and swiping his card on the payment kiosk.

"Well your rights have been taken away once again by Quackity!"

Karl said jokingly, with a small smile. Which made me smile a bit..I love seeing my friends smile! Especially when I make them smile.

"Of course! I'm the rights stealer!"

I said jokingly, while messing with Sapnaps hair since I knew that annoyed him.


Sapnap screeched, while pushing me away. I then let out a demonic like laugh, and I watched as Karl rolled his eyes at us.

"You two chuckleheads get out if you're going to fight! I don't want to clean stuff up!"

Karl said while flicking both Sapnap and I's heads. If I was honest here, Karl, Sapnap, and I were the big trio! The three friends who were always together! The annoying three! Not to sound so cringey..but still.

"No but we have to go to work soon! I'm working the prize counter for once."

I said proudly, while watching Sapnap sit down on a chair at the counter.

"I have to work..the bowling alley shoes area and skates, which is horrible. Peoples feet are usually HORRIBLY GROSS!"

Sapnap complained, while leaning his head on the counter. Karl then sat down on the stool in between Sapnap and I, and he cracked open a monster.

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