Chapter Five ~ The Protector of the Sunny

Start from the beginning

*So that's what happened* Nicole giggled a bit already concluding what must have happened.

"I can't believe these roots are running down to the sea bottom, they're enormous and magnificent" Robin said looking over the ship railing and down to where the roots were coming from.

Chopper was playing with some puffer fish when Usopp came over, backing up from something.

"Hey Chopper, there's something behind that tree" the long nosed snipper said and the reindeer looked over to see a giant fish lurking behind the mangrove roots.

"Wow, it's huge!" Chopper exclaimed.

"How exciting! An underwater adventure! It's like a dream come true" Luffy said before something else caught his attention "Oh, fish!" of course it was something to eat.

That's what Nicole found so funny earlier, she couldn't imagine Luffy interested in anything other than eating.

"Oh fish!" the rubber man exclaimed jumping over, only to be stopped by the bubble around the ship "I think i can catch them!" he said grabbing onto the bubble.

"The fish here look delicious too" Zoro said from the other side already taking out Shusui from its sheath, before him and Luffy both were hit over the head.

"Stop it you fools!" Usopp yelled at them.

"What if the bubble pops! Don't ever do that again or i kill you!" Chopper yelled.

"Nami-san, give us some dos and don'ts on the coated ship before they do something stupid" Sanji said turning to the navigator.

"Okay Sanji-kun, Rayleigh-san gave me a note, alright everyone listen" Nami said turning to the others, but to Sanji she was radiating light and shot off with another nosebleed fountain.

"She's moving! A real beautiful woman!" he exclaimed as he shot off, he too was caught by the bubble but as it stretched further and further the cook eventually popped out of the bubble.

"Sanji flew out into the water!" Luffy, Chopper and Usopp all yelled in shock.

"It's amazing, the bubble doesn't break even under tremendous pressure in this deep water but things can pass through it like that" Robin said, more to herself even though Franky was standing next to her.

"Sanji! Come back!" Luffy called stretching his arm out forgetting that he gets weaker in sea water but with Chopper and Usopp's help he was able to reel Sanji back onto the Sunny.

Chopper hooked up NINE whole bags of blood onto Sanji before starting on chest compressions to make him spit up the sea water he had inhaled.

"What happened to you Sanji? You've become even more susceptible to women" Usopp asked as everyone had gathered around the cook.

"I feel sorry for him, what happened to this ladies' man, Sanji-san in the past two years?" Brook wondered outloud.

"Who knows, but whatever it was had clearly deprived him of women, let's hope he get over this soon" Nicole said.

"At this rate he's going to bleed to death once he meets the mermaids that he'd longing to see" Brook pointed out "I can't help worrying" he added.

"We'll have to call for blood donations at Fish-Man island, i wonder if Fishmen and Mermaids have the same blood as humans" Chopper said wondering outloud.

"The bubble that coats the Sunny has the same quality as the bubbles at Sabaody Archipelago as we just saw" Robin pointed out.

"Stop analyzing the bubble in such a calm manner!" Usopp called pointing at her.

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