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Lucifer groaned as he made himself visible in a dark alley. All he could think about was Elva's words to him. This was a very difficult punishment indeed.

He began to stride out of the dark even though he felt at home there, he needed to go and mark a stupid girl, (his words)

He began to stride out of the dark even though he felt at home there, he needed to go and mark a stupid girl, (his words)

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He walked slowly until he heard his name.

He turned and saw Lord Orion standing on a roof.
"Orion! What are you doing up there? Get down now!", he order him.

"What had your mind occupied that you didn't even sense my presence?", Lord Orion asked once he was down.

"First of all, you can not just appear from nowhere on top of a roof, it will expose you and terrify these little creatures"

"Well give me a break, don't I look just like a human?", he swirled around.

"Humans don't appear and disappear Orion"

"Oh. So, where are we heading Lucifer?"

"There's no "we" and I'm going to meet my supposed mate"

Lord Orion stopped.
"Elva didn't listen to you?"

Lucifer placed his hands on his waist, "she did but it wasn't helpful. She said I should give up my throne as-"

Lord Orion cuts in, "-the devil?!!", he asked with wide eyes.

"Yes and I can't do that, obviously, I just have to mark her and that would be it", he smirked.

"No, no, no, that wouldn't be it and you know it. You know how the mate mark works, you'd be bonded to her forever, you'd always have that irresistible urge to renew the mate mark. Elva didn't give you an ordinary punishment, she gave you an everlasting punishment", Lord Orion explained.

Lucifer smashed a plant stand next to him in anger. Who knew the devil could be in a vulnerable state like this?

"I don't even want a mate, not to talk of a 'human' as a mate"

He looked at the weird environment, somehow, he wanted to destroy earth and everything that breathes upon it, that was the only way out he thought of.

"You're thinking of destroying the earth aren't you?", came Lord Orion's voice from the background.

He exhaled, "no"

"You have that 'I'm thinking of destroying the earth' look on your face"

This doesn't happen often but Lucifer laughed out.
"I just need to figure a way to get to the girl, ok?"

They sat side by side in a corner.
Acting like humans was obviously very difficult for the both of them. Orion wasn't forced to tag along with Lucifer but ever since he saved him from Hellbound Asylum, (a place where demons are tortured and sometimes die), he has been loyal to him and has found a friend in him. Other demons were terrified of Lucifer but he, he saw Lucifer in a more different way than the others and Lucifer knew it.

Orion already had a mate, he knew how it felt when the mate mark wasn't renewed, the urge was always unbearable. Even though Lucifer was strong, he doubt that he'd be able to endure the torture of the mark. To an extent, he wanted Lucifer to take the unknown girl as his mate.

Lucifer's face turned into one of disgust as he heard Orion's thoughts.
"You're unbelievable Orion"

He had forgotten that his thoughts weren't elusive from the devil himself unlike other demons.

"I wouldn't deny that-"

"I'm the devil Orion, I can't commit to nobody, no matter the situation"

"But Lucifer-"

"I can't, I just can't. What ever pleases Elva to do then she should go for it, I can't stay committed to anyone, especially humans, they are my subjects and should be nothing more than that", Lucifer breathed calmly as he leaned his back against a wall.

"If you don't comply, Elva will release you off your position as the devil, she will take away your throne"

"If you have any good ideas or suggestions you can as well state that now or just stop blabbering"

"I have none my lord but all I know is that you are stronger than this and you'd never give up your throne for any reason"

Lucifer looked blankly at the empty space in front of them. For the first time, he was totally confused and had no idea what was going on or even had a plan.

He groaned.
"Orion what do you think I should do?", He asked. Even as simple as the question was, his pride and ego submerged it.

Orion was shocked to his core. The devil has never asked for anyone's opinion, he always did what was on his mind.

"She's human my lord, just try to be as human as possible", he suggested.

"Human as possible? You know I could just kill her right?"

"That wouldn't solve this problem, it will make it worse"

Lucifer stood up and chuckled, "I'll kill her, what ever comes after that, I can handle. I'm the devil after all", with that said, he finally strode out of the alley.

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