It was show time.

He better not make anymore surprise appearances tonight as well.

I didn't think I could handle-

That thought was shortly interrupted, as I heard my phone ring.

Pulling it out of my pocket, I noticed it was my mom.

A smile made it's way to my face, and quickly, I swiped to answer.


She sounded so excited, it made my smile widen just a bit more. Her Italian accent evident as ever on my name.

"Mamma!" I matched her enthusiasm, making her laugh.

"Ciao amore mio" she greeted "We haven't talked in a week. Do you care of a little talk?"

"I'd love a little talk" I giggled like I was five, looking at all the dresses I had available "I have a bit of time before I'm up at Louie's"

"Good, good. I miss you so much" her voice was sugar sweet.

"I miss you too" I confessed "And nonna and pops"

My smile faltered a bit at the reminder of those sweet faces. I hadn't seen my mom in more than two years, and I haven't seen my grandparents in at least five.

They needed help around the house- they couldn't do it all on their own anymore, which was why my mom moved from New York to Rome, to take care of them, years ago.

I had the choice to go, but I didn't. I was grown at that point- I had a couple of friends and a life here. A job in the line, as well.

The decision was hard, but I did it, and it still affected me every day. It affected all of us.

Flights were expensive, and we were both so busy with work - we did our best, but sometimes, our best just wasn't enough.

I missed her dearly.

Her, and the rest of the family as well. We used to be quite close.

"I know you do. Hey, maybe we celebrate New Year's together this year huh?" she offered.

"You say that every year" I rolled my eyes, chuckling a bit, but feeling bitter about the whole thing.

"And I've kept my word two of those six times, okay?" she stated, making me laugh again "I better not hear you upset again. Now why don't you tell me of the week? What happened with that manager position you were getting at your job?"

I made a face at the mention, then huffed "Well, you can sit down"


"What's going on here?"

Ross looked up from the desk immediately, eyes piercing through me as I stood on the other side.

The staff in between us, all sat in chairs, had their eyes on me as well, but I was only looking at him.

Him, because he was supposed to be in the office.

The employees? They were supposed to be on their seats, doing their jobs, not in the conference room.

I'd walked in early morning, to an empty office, and workplace, overall. Obviously confused, I'd called up Camille as to where they were.

She'd sent me straight here, confused as to why I wasn't here too. The one day, we didn't drive to work together.

"A meeting" Ross replied casually- like i was asking a dumb question.

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