Takeover #4 (Part Three)

Start from the beginning


Shadow: "@LTDork asks, 'Sonic has become pretty notorious for his terrible taste in puns. Are there any specific jokes you guys like?'"

Y/n: "Most of them are pretty funny. But there's definitely the ones where they just make you cringe."

Sonic: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now, hang on, terrible taste in puns? Cringy? That's not entirely true..."

Tails: "But what about the games, Sonic? It's definitely kinda true there."

Sonic: "Yeah, but those are totally different writers! I've got a script to follow! Twitter Takeovers are way easier because I can just...be myself."

Eggman: "I'd just like to add that I appreciate all of my writers, no matter the script. Please keep casting me as the villain!"

Shadow and Y/n: "Suck up."


Tails: "Chris Scullion asks, 'Do ghosts and spirits of our deceased loved ones exist, or are they merely mental projections constructed in our own minds as a coping mechanism, as knowing they still have some presence (albeit a merely ethereal one) gives some comfort?'"

Y/n: "Uhh..."

Shadow: "Don't worry, I got this one. . .Yes."


Sonic: "@SakataLouis asks, 'Can you all say Happy Birthday to my little brother Diego? He's seven years old today and he really likes you guys, especially Shadow.'"

Tails: "Aww, that's adorable!"

Y/n: "Yeah, we can do that!"

All: "Happy Birthday to my little brother Diego. He's seven years old today and he really likes you guys, especially Shadow!"

Shadow: "To Diego, one of my ultimate fans, happy seventh birthday."

Eggman: "Thanks for being a good brother, SakataLouis."


Tails: "theminemanner asks, 'Doctor Eggman, how long did it take you to come up with the plan of luring Sonic and company into a false sense of security by joining the Twitter Takeover?'"

Eggman: "Good question, minemanner. Let's see, how long has it been now...approximately six hours. Surprise, Sonic!"

Tails: "Oh, if you're talking about the traps you placed, I already disarmed all of those."

Eggman: "What?"

Shadow: "And the robots you were trying to hide above us were all destroyed when I used Chaos Blast earlier."

Y/n: "Plus, I took care of the bots that were hidden outside for an ambush before we started."

Eggman: "H-how?"

Sonic: "And we totally had Knuckles trash your lair while you were doing this. Actually, this was just a plan to get you away from your base, Eggman."

Eggman: "Are you kidding me? No! This is not okay! Rrrrrgh..."

Sonic: "Well, all's well that ends well! Let's keep the questions going."


Eggman: "Caddicarus asks, 'So hey, @Sonic_Hedgehog! Why do you collect rings when an anagram of your name is 'coins'?'"

Y/n: "Huh, ya know, I've never noticed that."

Sonic: "They're rings! Way bigger, way better, and you can throw them over your arm, too."

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