Takeover #4 (Part Three)

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Tails: "@Michelle asks, 'Hi, Sonic! Have you ever considered dyeing your fur black and red to look cooler?'"

Shadow: "Who is this girl? And why does she have such good taste in hedgehogs?"

Y/n: "Oh boy. Thanks for fueling his ego, Ann."

Sonic: "I'm sorry, what? Dye my fur black and red? Pshht, no thanks. That's a Shadow thing right there. I'm good with blue."

Eggman: "Wait a minute, you guys. I looked into this person's history, and it says here she even gave a presentation about Shadow."

Sonic: "Wow. That's a lot of retweets, too."

Tails: "Ooh, someone's got an admirer!"

Y/n: *murmurs* "Oh. How lucky..."

Shadow: "'An Exploration of Shadow the Hedgehog's True Moral Compass (& Knuckles)'." Impressive. Very impressive. Nice work, Michelle. Thanks for being one of my biggest fans."

Y/n: *stifled mumbling*

Tails: "Hold up, is someone jel-"

Y/n: "Quiet Tails!"

Sonic: "Blue quills are better."


Sonic: "Sam'sProcrastinationStation asks, 'Hey, @sonic_hedgehog, do you mind finally explaining to the general audience why you're in a car in games like Team Sonic Racing? People still ask this question for some reason, so I think this is the perfect time to address it.'"

Y/n: "Yeah. You're the fastest thing alive! Why a car?" *mumbles* "Plus motorcycles are a lil better."

Tails: "Oh, that's an easy one! He's in a car in Team Sonic Racing because-"

Sonic: "Because if I was on foot, I'd win instantly. Exactly, Tails!"

Tails: "Aww, I wanted to answer that one, Sonic!"

Shadow: "Hold on a second. If you were on foot, you'd still lose just as badly to me, Sonic."

Y/n: "Keep in mind I've beaten you before Shadow, and I'll do it again!"

Tails: "Hey, I can run too. Doesn't anyone remember Sonic R on the Saturn?"

Eggman: "The car makes things even, Sam. But let's be honest, even in Sonic R, I'm still the best racer by far. Thanks for the question!"


Y/n: "@snowcanine asks, 'If you guys could change one thing about yourselves, what would it be?'"

Sonic: "Good question! I'd like to be able to know exactly where the Chaos Emeralds were at any time. Would make stopping Eggman much easier."

Tails: "I'd like to be able to keep flying without ever getting tired."

Y/n: "I'd like to be able to heal faster from any injuries, and also never have my boots break. That way, I could keep fighting and without any hassle!"

Eggman: "I'd get rid of that silly sense of mercy that keeps stopping me from ever finally defeating Sonic. It's just a weakness, really."

Shadow: "I wouldn't change a thing. Our mistakes make us who we are, and I'm comfortable with my identity."

Y/n: "Wow. That had no reason to hit hard."

Sonic: "Yeah, I feel like Shadow's answers are either the most depressing or the most inspiring, depending on the question. Thanks, snowcanine!"

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