Chapter 3: Jade & Mason

Start from the beginning

"Well...duh it's related to you so..." She trailed off with a shrug as Mason looked at her confused.

"So the word is that you spent almost your entire day with a really hot guy today" She said excitedly.

"Sarah told you, didn't she?" I asked.

"Yes, she did and so it's true right? That there's finally someone in your life" She replied.

"And not just someone but a really hot and equally rich guy" She added.

"Yeah. Kevin is surely hot and rich too" I replied causally with a slight shrug as she almost squealed and clapped her hands, grabbing weird looks and stares from the people around us.

"So it's true right?" She asked as I gave her a fake smile.

"Yeah I mean I did spent my day with him" I replied playing along.

"Oh my god! Tell me all about it" She said.

"I will..." I paused while taking a sip of water. 

"I was helping him find his wife" I continued while stressing on the word 'wife', as all the colour drained out from her face.

"His wife?" She asked as I just nodded my head in a yes.

"His eight months pregnant wife, if I might add" I said and the look on her face was worth watching.

"So he's not your boyfriend?" She asked sadly.

"Of course not, Jade" I replied rolling my eyes.

"So it was just a rumour?" She asked.

"Are you sure he's not your boyfriend" She added as I just looked at her in disbelief while Mason just chuckled at her silly, stupid question.

"Well...let me think about it..." I said sarcastically.

"Of course I'm sure, Jade" I continued.

"Alright" She mumbled.

"He's just a friend...a commited friend and his wife is lucky to have him" I said as the waiter arrived with our food.

"I just hope she realises that before it's too late" I added to myself while thinking about Kevin and Ashley.

Kevin loves her to no ends, I can tell that...but why did Ashley react the way she did when she saw Kevin in the hospital earlier?

I wonder what went wrong between the two?

I mean who on earth would want to leave a man like Kevin? So loyal.

Maybe love is not enough sometimes, the little voice in my head said.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked snapping out of my thoughts.

"Nothing...just thinking about what would have happened if this gossip was actually true..." She trailed off still laughing.

"I guess they both would have made a lovely couple...what else" Mason said with a shrug while frowning in confusion.

"No. I'm talking about her family...they would surely throw a fit if they even got the slightest idea that their precious daughter was bringing home a..." She paused.

"What do you call it? Seher" She asked not knowing the word.

"A firangi damaad?" I replied using the Hindi word which meant 'a foreigner son-in-law'.

"Yeah that exactly" She replied as Mason just frowned in confusion not understanding what I just said.

"But come on, Jade, that's not family would accept anything if it meant that I'm happy" I said.

"Oh yeah? Then why haven't you dated any guy here, even after spending almost five years here?" She asked as I found myself kind of speechless.

Seriously, why haven't I?

I wondered myself.

"Maybe I just haven't felt anything for anyone yet..." I trailed off.

Or maybe I'm just not into hook up culture, I thought to myself.

"Seriously, sometimes I don't understand who would be that 'mr. perfect', you are looking for" Jade replied before glancing down at her phone as it was going off.

"Seher, any reasons why your parents would be calling me?" She asked as I frowned at her.

Yeah they do have Jade's number but why would they be calling her?

"Why would they be calling you?" I asked almost to myself.

But then it hit me...

"Oh shit! My father called me earlier today but I was in a session so I just turned my phone off and then with all that Kevin and Ashley totally slipped my mind to call him back..." I paused.

"And to top it all, I haven't even switched my phone on yet" I continued while switching my phone on and excusing myself as I decided to step out to make a call home.

"Well let's just hope they haven't booked a flight to USA already" Mason said jokingly as Jade just chuckled at his words while I was on my way out.

"Well...I hope so too" I mumbled to myself.


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Crystal ❤️

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