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YN made her way back to her car limping, she had bruises all over her body and her lower lip had cuts due to slap. She avoided her injury and started driving, unknowingly a tear escaped from her eyes which she was holding, she was used to physical and verbal abuse of her mother. She kept on driving with her emotionless face.

YN was too caught up in her thoughts that in a blink of an eye her world collapsed. A huge car crash, a bang of missile laucher  was heard which made the car blast and it turned upside down. YN's head crashed with the window's glass and blood ooze out making her almost loose her  consciousness. Car's surrounded her from every where and people dressed in all black came out pointing gun at her. She was on the verge of loosing it all. YN called In Yeop sneakingly and kept the phone on speaker. 

??-"Hello!!! isn't this the greatest owner of the Dark World!!! the most 'powerful women'?" 

YN kept her calm face staring blankly at the person behind the mask.

??-"Or should I say 'RED MASK'?" he said in a dark tone. YN eyes grew bigger as her identity was hidden to the world and no one knew who was Red Queen.

??-"Huhh.......shocked pretty much my lady!!" he said with a grin.

YN-"Who are you?" she said blankly. YN's body was already weak coz of the beating and now this accident too had made her way too weak she was just waiting for In Yeop to show up so that he can help.

??-"Why, started to grow feelings for me."..."and if you are just trying to make me caught up with your small talk so that your little friend can come and help you then forget about it" he said with a smirk and held his gun on her head. 

??-"Say goodbye to the world YN"

As he was about to pull the trigger another missile launcher was fired towards his men. And black commandoes started surrounding them, the men was in utter shock.


As he held his gun onto my me, Felt like this is gonna be the end of me. I had a neutral feeling about this, I wanted to die desperately but just for In Yeop I couldn't and still willingly to stay in this misery for him. As he was about to pull the trigger there was another crash but this time on his men.

In a blink of eye black commandoes surrounded us and held there guns on them. They were surely not my men.  I can feel myself loosing consciousness any second. I saw a man in his 40s coming out of the car assuming by his clothes, to be the boss.

I didn't even noticed that the guy who was standing in front of me had already escaped. The man looked all around the place searching for the guy I assume. 

Author's POV-

One of his men went to him and said-"boss he slipped away."

??2-"Where is she" he said concern evident in his voice.

They started walking around searching for YN. ??2's men saw there boss getting worried over someone was pure shock for them.

??2 saw her car and ran towards it. He opened her car and removed her seat belt and held her in his arms and said-"hold up fighter" he said worriedly.


I was chilling at my apartment after having dinner. I was wondering about YN, if I did right to let her go alone. My phone rang and the caller id said-"ICE BEAR". I smiled and picked up the call only to be cutted of. Strangely when I called her back it didn't connect. I has this strange feeling that something is not right.

I tried calling her but she did not pick up every time. I took my things and left to find her.

30 MIN later

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