Number Four Privet Drive

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[As we see Mr. Dursley falling asleep through the front window of number four Privet Drive, a man appears silently on the corner of the street that is lit up by the lamp posts.]

Narrator : Nothing like this man had ever been seen on Privet Drive before. He was tall, thin and very, very old judging by the silver of his hair and beard that he could quite possibly tuck into his belt if he so wished. He didn't seem aware of the fact that everything from his robes to his purple cloak to his high-heeled buckled boots that he was not welcome on the street. Either that, or he simply did not care. His bright blue eyes were light and shone from behind his half-moon spectacles. His name was Albus Dumbledore. He pulled out something with the same looks as a lighter, clicking it. As he clicked it the light disappeared from the nearest street lamp. He clicked the put-outer device twelve more times. There were now no lights left on the street. Now, even if the beady-eyed Mrs. Dursley were to try and see what was happening on the street, she wouldn't be able to see further than the flower bed on the outside windowsill. He looks over, tucking the put-outer back in his robes, and sees a cat sitting on a stone brick wall. The same cat that Mr. Dursley saw twice earlier that same day.

Albus : I should have known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall.

Minerva : Good evening, Albus.

Albus : Are the rumours true Albus?

A few people in the Great Hall have realised what the on-screen professors are talking about and look sadly at the Potters. They just ignore it hoping that they would receive less questions later in the movie/movies.

Albus : I am afraid so professor, the good and the bad.

Minerva : And the boy and the girl.

The twins, seeing that most of the Great Hall is still highly confused, look at Minerva and say, "Minnie, I am offended, am I really just a boy/girl to you?" gasping and putting a hand over their hearts. They then dramatically fall back onto their beanbags, yet again in sync.

Albus : Hagrid is bringing them.

Minerva : Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?

"I would trust Hagrid with my life." Ellie and Harry say. Hagrid blushes. "Just not my secrets..." They mind communicated to one another. (A/N. I didn't really know what to call it. Comment if you have a better idea for what it should be called.)

Albus : Ah, professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.

[A large motor sound accompanied by two bright, white lights come from behind the professors.]

Hagrid : Good evening, Professor Dumbledore, sir, Professor McGonagall.

Albus : No problems, I trust, Hagrid.

Hagrid : No sir, little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. The little girl just kept looking around, fascinated by everything. Try not to wake him, there you go.

[Hagrid hands a young, sleeping boy to Albus and a seemingly observant young girl to Minerva.]

Minerva : Albus, do you really think that it's safe, leaving them with these people? I've watched them all day. They really are the worst sort of muggles imaginable; they are...

Albus : The only family they have.

Minerva : These kids will be famous. There won't be a child in our world that won't know their names. I honestly won't be surprised if this is known as 'Harry and Elliana-Rose Potter Day' in the future.

"There isn't-" "-A day like that-" "-Is there?" The twins ask. "No, the data was destroyed before that could happen." Minerva replied. "Thank Merlin!" The twins sighed. Many looked at them confused and annoyed. Those twins love the fame don't they?

Albus : Exactly, they are far better off growing up away from all of that, until they are ready.

[Hagrid is seen quietly crying.]

Albus : There, there, Hagrid. It is not really goodbye, after all.

[Albus places a letter addressed to the Dursleys in Elliana-Rose's hand as she finally fell asleep]

Albus : I suppose I will be seeing you shortly then Professor?

Minerva : Yes, of course.

Hagrid : Well, I best get going. Got to get this motorcycle back to young Mr. Black.

[Minerva apparates away and Hagrid flies the motorcycle back in the direction he came from.]

Albus : Good luck, Harry Potter and Elliana-Rose Potter.

"You left them on a doorstep in the middle of November without as much as a heating charm." At this Albus has the decency to look ashamed. He really should have thought more about what he was doing. He saw those kids as his grandchildren. He would be mortified if something were to have happened to them.

[The screen zooms in on the glowing scars on Harry's forehead and Lia's wrist before showing the title of the movie.]


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