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A/N- aaaannnnndddd...... I'm here.. again. It's not ended, yet. For those who actually hoping this to already ended, sorry. enjoy~~ hehe


"Then... Should we drop this bet?" Jihoon asked. Hyunsuk's eyes widened when he heard that.


"Just kidding," Jihoon said, cutting Hyunsuk's sentence. Adding more confusion to the already confused Hyunsuk. Jihoon chuckled. "Why? You surprised?"

"Of course. How the really competitive guy like you suddenly wanted to stop halfway," Hyunsuk said. "You know every bet, match and challenge that we had, quitting was never an option,"

"I know. I know. I just wanted to see your reaction," Jihoon said while laughing a little.

"Looked like you have nothing else to say to me. I'm leaving," Hyunsuk said. He stood up and walked away.

"Choi Hyun," Jihoon called him. Hyunsuk just stopped, he didn't turned at Jihoon's direction yet. "It's okay if you wanted to admit it. I don't mind being friend with a loser,"

"As if," Hyunsuk said before he walked away. When he felt like he's far enough from Jihoon, he started to run. It's weird. What he's feeling right now is weird and uncomfortable. But he can't point out why.

Why Jihoon wanted to drop the bet? So they don't have to confessed? Did he already knew that Hyunsuk like him? That's why he asked those questions? Jihoon probably just try to find a solution, to not change their relationship; their friendly-rivalry relationship. And if Hyunsuk decided to confessed and Jihoon didn't feel the same, they'll might can't stay as they are.

And him telling Hyunsuk that he doesn't mind to be friend with a loser, a clear sign that Jihoon just wanted to stay friend with him. Hyunsuk stopped running after he felt really tired. He tried to stabilize his breathing. But then, he started to felt like he's chest tightened. Without any warning, his tears started to fall.

"What? Why are you crying you stupid useless human being?" Hyunsuk asked himself. He didn't know himself, the actually reason why he cried.


"You call yourself ace when you can't even do this simple thing right? Even Yeonkyu can do it well," Hyunsuk said.

"I've told you. It's not me. It's the system that was down. What can I do if the system was down? Ask google? Do you think I really purposely do that? I know myself what I should and shouldn't do. It's not like I just started for a week. I've been doing this for years. And I won't do the thing that will adding more work to my already many works," Jihoon replied.

"What happened?" Junkyu asked Yeonkyu when he heard Jihoon and Hyunsuk has been shouting; not really shouting but arguing about something and sounding so angry about it. Junkyu just back from a meeting and he didn't really know the actual context of the current argument they're having.

"It's just.. I don't know. Looked like Jihoon sunbae didn't submit something on time and Hyunsuk sunbae get a report about it. And they started to argue," Yeonkyu said. "I don't even know what's actually happening and who's the one who's wrong right now. They've been acting like this since last week,"

"Aigoo.. What should we do?" Junkyu asked.

Not long after that Jihoon and Hyunsuk left the office and walked toward the opposite direction. Junkyu decided to follow Jihoon who's walking toward the pantry. Jihoon still mumbled at the things he's still unsatisfied with Hyunsuk while making himself a warm drink.

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