456 11 37


You Promised


as i slid from the wet roof top to another i began to approach my target. a large mansion at the end of the coldesack, full marble walls and quartz pillars. still couldn't compare to our base.

Sapnap was following close behind me and same with skeppy. we where the ideal team that often got put together for missions as such.

the people getting killed today where a well known millionaire that killed his wife in cold blood and got away with it, and his brother who was helping him.

these two men where highly contagious and have extreme talent in fighting which is why we are taking them out.

"sapnap take that corner, skeppy take the other, and i'll take front" i hushed with the men besides me while we watched the targets talk from the window.

"guys be careful. we don't know what he could have in there" bad chimed in from the coms

"holy shit bad you scared me. why are you so fucking loud" sapnap swatted his ear and tried to press the button to turn the volume down

"thank you bad, it means a lot that your watching us incase something happens" skeppy said thoughtfully which made me gag

"okay love birds get the mission on a role, you guys only have 8 minutes to get in, kill them, and get out before the power is turned back on. got it?" quackity was next to bad, usually he comes with us on larger missions but he broke his ankle on the last mission and wasn't able to attend this one.

"yes we got it. now please fix the volume" i blessed them with my words because sapnap was right, they where unusually loud.

"sorry about that." bad responded quickly and i heard him type something

"alright is that better" he asked softly and questionably

"yes it is thank you" skeppy responded

"okay bad, key word. Found. got it?" i said
while standing up slightly on the roof below me

"yes, remember be carful i cant help you guys very much on this mission." he sounded worried, probably not for me or sapnap just for skeppy.

"mission is a go" i stood up all the way, soon followed by skeppy and sapnap.

i slid off the roof slowly on the back, making sure not to make any noise, seeing as i have to look presentable to get inside. sapnap and skeppy on the other hand, the both front flipped off the large building and landed on their knees.

"nice, you finally landed it" i punched skeppy in the arm jokingly which in return i was greeted with a hard slap on the back of my head/neck area.

"ow" i strutted to the front door slowly, sapnap and skeppy on my left and right.

"go" i pointed my hands in opposite directions and they parted and jogged to the corners of the house.

i watched the slowly crouch down as i walked up the long path to the house.

i slammed my nuckles into the hard wood door, a loud sound erupted from infront of me.
one last time i looked to my left and right and saw skeppy and sapnap ducked behind the bushes. game time.

quickly i heard a lock sound from the door and i backed away a second, leaving room for the door to open.

"hello? can i help you" the man answered rather rudely, obviously annoyed by our presence

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