The Brooch

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Leo was bored and looking for something to do. He peaked his head into Donnie's lab to see him typing away at his computer very much in the zone. Leo has learned his lesson by now not to mess with his brother when he is in the zone. He quickly wandered away in search of his other brothers, Ralph wasn't hard to find as he was in the dojo punching at the punching bag and just like his other brother completely in the zone. Mikey was a bit harder to find as he hide in the corner of the living room with his sketchbook doodling away and once again in the zone.

Leo sighed in the defeat of finding something to do with his brother when his stomach let out a very loud grumble. Leo looked down at his stomach before looking back at all his brothers when an idea popped into his head. 'if I'm hungry my brothers most definitely are, I should go get pizza for everyone!' His mind was made and he left the sewers.

Leo strutted his way to the graffitied wall that held the portal to 'the Run of the Mill pizza place' when he sees something glimmer out the corner of his eye. He leaned back to get a better view to see some kind of gem hiding behind a trash bin. He lingers over to investigate only to see a lost cloaking brooch. He has seen many of these but was never able to get his hands on one due to the costly price that came with the brooch and the comfort he has with his current living arrangements. Timidly he picks it up and twirls it in his fingers only to realize that he no longer had 3 green fingers but 5 human skin-toned fingers his eyes glanced up at the semi-reflective trashcan to see a human form staring back at him.

As he was about to investigate more, a beep from his phone catered his attention. it was a snap from April to the group chat with her and his brothers. He opened it up to see her laying on a desk with the caption "I'm sooooo bored." He glanced back up at the human reflection and an evil glint appeared in his eyes. He stood up put his phone back in his pocket and began his walk to April's school forgetting completely about his pizza plans.

It was nearing 3:30 when he arrived at the school as the bell has just rung and the students began filing out. Leo's initial reaction is to hide as he ducked behind a lamp post but quickly received curious looks. He was used to having people look at him weirdly but this was different none of the looks had any malic or grossed looks behind them only curious like they were curious about the way a teen would be trying to hide behind a lamp post. Leo looked back down at his hand and outfit and reassured himself that he looks human. He laughed at himself before confidently jumping out from behind the post and into the courtyard.

His smile radiated the entire area as he waved at people passing by and shooting finger guns at the cute girls. As he was giving a wink to one girl he didn't notice the person carrying way too many books in front of him. The two collapsed into each other and fell back, books falling around them. Leo rubbed his head as he looked up at the person who he ran into only to see his very good friend April O'Neil.

He enthusiastically jumped up grabbing April's books as fast as he could, "April!" He shouted in glee.

April's face converted from an expression of anger to recognition to confusion as she looked up at the strange boy who said her name in a tone she recognized. "Do I know you!" She responded sassily and grabbed the books back from Leo.

Leo's smile grew, "April it's me, Leo!" April's face then turned to shock as she dropped her books again and jumped into investigating. She moved around him so fast taking in every detail. "Can't get over my good looks huh!" Leo taunts flicking his newfound hair out of his face.

"How are you? What! Why!" April began questioning adjusting her glasses to be sure she is not seeing things.

"I found a clocking brooch!" Leo stated proudly, "now you can hang with your favorite bro." He flicked his hair once more.

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