chapter 11-double trouble

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for days there have been rumors that lov and the unknown villain groups are working together but none has confirmed it yet. as far as everyone knew these two groups were heated rivals. why would these two groups come togather...-for what reason?

I couldn't wrap my head around it. the reason they would come togather. they wouldn't randomly work togather unless they had a reason right?

The black-haired girl questioned why or how lov and the unknown group would work togather but they felt someone slap the back of her head, it being the redhead boy named sam komera, they were one of Keira's 'friends'. sam spoke up, ''your overthinking again Keira''

Keira would respond to sam, ''hey sam- do you think lov and the unknown group actually working together? I can't figure out the reason why they would-''

sam responds, ''im not sure but it isn't confirmed it's just a rumor going around it might be true but until we know for sure it ain't our problem''

Keira responds,'' I guess your right. I'm just overthinking again-''

Keira would lay her head on her arms and sigh, resting her eyes. shed yawn tiredly. Kazuo would be teaching his class, and it would be lunchtime after class.

during lunch time Keira and keno would argue with each other they had a heated rivalry between the two students of class 1a and class 1b but suddenly two males walk up to their classmates, one of them slapping Keira on the back of the head and the other did the same to keno. the two students started to drag the two rival students away from each other. keno would glare at the male pulling him away it is his twin brother kedo.

keno would say in an annoyed tone. ''kedo let me go I wasn't finished yelling at Keira!-''

kedo would respond to his twin. ''I don't care keno you and Keira can never get along so I will continue to keep you away from her.''

keno would respond,'' tch whatever'', as his brother dragged him back to their table saying nothing more to his twin.

keira would glare at the male dragging her back to their table it being her friend sam. shed say in a cold tone, ''what the hell sam I wasn't done arguing with keno! tch, let me go or else!-''

sam would respond, ''Keira I think you forget who is stronger than you. I could simply make you float so I suggest you shut up and get over it''

the only thing Keira would be able to say after that was, ''hmph!-'', she knew what sam was saying is true but she refused to admit to it.

once the two 1a students got to their table they two students sit next to their friends. ash and jeko and yua would be talking about something. Keira would just rest her head on her arms, resting her eyes again. sam and miro would start talking to each other. mamoru would just scroll through stuff on his phone, paying no attention to the others. a black hair male who looked similar to ash walks up to the group and turns his attention to Keira, his name was sena the twin brother of ash. sena would give Keira flowers, and Keira would look at the flowers then at sena, she spoke up,'' eh thanks?-''

sena would respond, ''your welcome a pretty thing of flowers for a pretty black-haired girl like yourself-''

Keira would blush sightly but obviously tried to hide the fact that she blushed from Sena's comment because of her reputation to be tough and careless. miro noticed Sena's gift to Keira but tried to act cool about it trying not to be overprotective of keira,his bestfriend, sena would then speak up, ''so Keira are you free tonight we could hang out if you want of course.'', but before Keira could say anything miro would speak up,'' sorry she can't she already has plans with me and sam, right Keira?-''

Keira would just look at miro and sam for a moment then spoke up, ''i- yeah sorry sena-''

sena would walk away, annoyed, and swore he would be with Keira no matter what. Keira turned her attention to miro and spoke up, ''why did you lie to sena? we don't have any plans-''

miro would respond,'' because uh- I just don't want you getting hurt by a player like sena-''

Keira would snicker and speak up,''awh I think it's more than that you care about me miro how adorable.'' Keira would laugh

miro would respond quickly,'' tch no I don't care about a once quirkless loser like you-''

Keira would respond,'' mhm sure you don't miro'', she was unconvinced by what miro said obviously there was something miro wasn't telling her as the most popular guy in school cared about the once quirkless girl,he cared about her like a "brother" eventually, the bell for the end of lunch rang and everyone went back to class for hero training, at the end of the day everyone went home, not expecting what would happen to everyone tomorrow.

later that night at lov base tomura would speak up, ''tomorrow is the big day that we attack this city. we're going to make a big impact on this corrupted society and have no mercury for anyone who stands in our way. this is war. the heroes won't know what will hit them!-'' he said to his group and okitos group of the unknown villains with a smirk.

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