chapter 7-UA's internships Deciding

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that following morning, Mr. Kazuo gives us a paper with the pros who were interested in having us intern with them.  keira looks at her's not surprised by the number of pros wanting her to intern with them. Miyu looked at her list and decided to go to the pro-hero red riot agency.  meanwhile, hatoshi looks at his list of pros to intern with and decides to go to shinso's agency. keira looks at her list unable to decide. hachiro looks at keira and says to her,'' anyone you want to intern with on your list?'' 

keira sighs, responding to him. ''the pro hero hawks are who ill intern with but knowing my father he wants me to intern with him which I'm not doing, my father is on my list of choices. what about you have you decided yet?''

hachiro responds,'' yeah I'm going to my dad's agency.''

keira chooses to intern with hawks, as the rest of the class decides theirs as well. then we move on to the important subjects and that takes us until lunch. then all UA students report to the lunchroom to eat food or just chill out and talk to their friends. 

keno walks up to the table Keira, ash, and hachiro were sitting at and he says in a cold tone to keira. ''how does it feel to always be second to miyu. didn't you say something along the lines of 'I'm going to win this sports festival' yet you got second place to miyu! '' keno would laugh at her.

keira glares at him, responding coldly to him.'' how does it feel to always be second to 1-A.''

keno said nothing, not having a come back to Keira's response. keira snickers and says to him. ''that's what I thought now scram keno!''

keno walks off, annoyed with keira and he mutters under his breath. ''ugh I hate keira she's just like her bratty father!''

shed spot her older brother yua and walks up to him. Shed say to him.'' hi yua-''

yua glares at keira and responds coldly. ''what you want keira?''

keira responds, ''nothing-.. I just wanted to say hi to you-''

yua glares at his sister saying in a careless tone. ''cool? you said hi to me now go away'' 

keira responds, ''but-''

yua glares at keira saying to her. ''no buts- I said go away didn't I?''

keira responds to him. ''yeah-'' 

keira walks away from her brother frowning and back to the table her best friends ash and hatoshi are at.

keira mutters under her breath. ''it was better when my big sister sakura Jima was around. I wonder where she is right now. I hope she's okay. '' keira then looks at her  best friends as ash looks at keira saying, ''ira whats a dumbass''

keira and hachiro glances at each other, smirking then, keira glares at ash saying,'' simple an airhead like you''

keira and hachiro both laugh as ash glares at them both saying, ''hey that's not funny!''

keira would glare at ash saying, ''sure- whatever you say alien jr.''

ash glares at ash saying in an annoyed tone. ''hmph whatever you say pomeranian jr.''

keira glares at ash, stands up, and says to ash. ''oi what did you just say to me? say it again I dare you alien jr!-'' keira then actives her quirks her saying again to ash. ''say it again I dare you. cmon say it unless you're a coward.''

ash looks at keira, clearly now scared as she hides behind hachiro, ash saying in a scared tone, ''i- no I take it back I'm sorry ira an hachiro save me.''

hachiro looks at ash saying in a cold tone, ''i- why are you hiding behind me? Do you think ill protect you? the answer is no. you on your own alien jr. don't bring me into this.''

keira glares at ash but sits down her deactivating her quirks saying to ash, ''that's what I thought alien jr.'' end of lunch bell rings shortly after that everyone heads back to class for hero training and that takes until the end of the school day. at the end of the day, the last bell rings to dismiss them to go home. tomorrow was the first official day of ua work-study for the 1st years.

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