chapter 6-fight to the end!|'ua sports festival is here' (part 3)

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After the break, we had miyu vs keira up against eacher. their battle was long just like the last battle that was until miyu got keira caught off guard, giving miyu the opening to attack. miyu then uses quirk. keira suddenly realized she was off the stage. she would look up to where her father was standing and he just look disappointed then he walked off out of sight. she would sigh, shortly after miyu, keira, and hatoshi would stand on the podium with the metals they received for being in the top 3 spots. keira would look at the ground, frowning and muttering under her breath. ''tch-I failed again to prove I'm not worthless I'm sorry father..- that dam nerd jr child keeps getting in my way every since they got that damn quirk! I will prove my worth someday''

a little bit later back in 1-a, everyone would be chattering until their homeroom teacher,miyu, Keira, and hachiro walked in. the three students sat down in their spots. Kazuo sighs then say to his students, ''im very proud of all of you. you guys proved you guys could work together much better than when we started here in the first 3 rounds. anyways that's all for today. tomorrow we find out who wants you guys to intern with them, with that you guys are excused.'' all the students get up and leave. they all go home and sleep after the tiring day at school so they're ready for what comes for the following days, weeks, months, years, etc.

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