⌗ chapter two

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The halls of Rydell University were filled with students chatting and rushing to their classes to be as early as they could be, Jungkook however needed to head to the office for his schedule. (He had applied very last minute)

When the boy got there he walked up to the counter waiting for someone to help him.

Just then a lady with short orange hair walked up next to him.
"I got Namjoon, again!" A male teacher complained behind her.

"He's been here longer than I have, such an excuse for a man..." The woman started.
"How many days until Christmas vacation??"

Jungkook looked at his notes, "86" he said timidly.
"86?? Ugh!" Jungkook giggled at the woman's reply, "Yep, I'm counting.."

Then a woman that looked quite fancy spoke up, "Oh! Can I help you dear?"

Jungkook blushed, "Oh yes, I'm here to pick up my schedule since im new here and I don't know where to go.."

"Ah yes, please fill out these three forms and i can help you."

Jungkook bowed while smiling and started writing.


The bell for homeroom rang as Tae and his friends were examining their schedules.

"Bro, every teacher I've got this year has failed me at least twice!" Yoongi groaned.

Jin cracked a smile, "Yeah and if you don't watch you're big ass mouth you're gonna be in principal McGee's office all year!"

"Yeah well this year she's gonna wish she's never accepted me!" The mint haired scoffed.

"Yeah? And what're you gonna do if she gets ur ass, hm?" The oldest questioned.

Yoongi walked more confidently and smirked, "Im just not gonna take any of her shit that's all.." Just then the rest of the boys saw the one and only principal standing right behind Yoongi as he kept rambling, "...when have I ever taken anyones bullshit huh?"

"Min Yoongi" Mrs. McGee said calmly.

The said boy looked startled and turned around to see her standing there, "H-Hello ma'am.."

The principal raised her eyebrow, "Aren't you supposed to be in homeroom?"

Yoongi chuckled nervously, "Yeah! I was.. I was just taking a walk"

"Ahh you were just acting like a fool, weren't you?"

"Yes ma'am.!" He agreed embarrassed.

"Hurry up and get to your class or I'll make you stay after school and clean under the desks!" McGee shouted.

Yoongi nodded and shuffled toward his laughing group of friends, Tae walked up to him and smacked the back of his head.

"So glad you didn't take any of her shit, eh? You really told her off huh Yoongi??" Taehyung smirked, the boys all started mocking Yoongi.

"Yes ma'am!! Hello ma'am!! No ma'am!!" Hobi cackled.


When the boys got to class, the morning announcements were blasting on the school speakers, however they weren't focused on Mrs. McGees rambling about how this was gonna be the best school year. (She said this every year.)

The boys were more focused on Namjoon sneaking a dead frog from the science lab into a girl named Lucy's bag.

Lucy got up from her seat to speak to the professor and Namjoon took his chance and placed it in her bag then made his way back to his seat smirking.

When the girl sat back down she reached into her bag and felt the frog, she screamed and ran out the door. "I hate you Namjoon!!!!" She cried.

The immature boys sat there cackling.


Aria and Mia were on their way to the table as it was lunchtime, they were babbling a song while strutting toward Jaz who was waiting for them.

They all giggled until Jaz spoke up, "Did you guys get a look at Taehyung?? Lookin' pretty good this year huh Aria??" Jaz rose her eyebrows and smirked.

"That's ancient history, you both know that!" Aria scoffed.

Mia rolled her eyes, "Well you know history sometimes repeats itself!"

Jimin and Jungkook then appeared behind them, "Hey girlies!" Jimin greeted.

"This here is Jeon Jungkook, he just transferred here from Seoul!"

Jungkook smiled politely, "Oh! That's Aria, then there's Mia, and that's Jaz by the way" Jimin informed the youngest.

Aria hummed, "How are things over there?"

Jungkook blushed, "Fine, thanks!"

The table fell silent, that is until Lucy came shouting to other people.
"Hi guys!" The girls groaned.

"There's Lucy Simcox, the most annoying girl here at Rydell university- Hi!!!" Aria said irritated.

"I just love the first day of school don't you??" Lucy said enthusiastically.

Aria being Aria, responded sarcastically, "Oh yes, it's the biggest thrill of my life!"

Jungkook held back a giggle.

The blonde noticed Jungkook sitting at the table and gasped, "Oh my! You must think I'm rude for not introducing myself!" She said making space for herself as she squeezed between Jungkook and Jimin.
Jimin giggled and placed a bitten apple under Lucy before she sat down and waited for her reaction.

"Im Lucy Simcox! Welcome to Rydell- Agh!" The girl squealed, she grabbed the apple from under her and gave it back to Lucy smiling bitterly.

"I really hope you come to cheerleader tryouts so we can be lifelong friends!!" The girl continued.

Jungkook was overwhelmed with this girl alone so he smiled and left it at that.


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