⌗ chapter one

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The first day of school was always nerve racking, for some at least.
Everyone was crowded into their groups of friends chatting about their summer, how much they missed one another, the usual.

Hoseok and Jin were playing catch with yoongi's sandwhich while walking and Yoongi was not having it.
Hobi threw Jin the sandwhich while leaping in the air like a basketball player, "Catch, catch, catch!-" The boy ended up falling into the bushes besides the group.

"You're not supposed to eat this, you're supposed to bury it!" Jin said holding up the said food.

"That's a homemade lunch you ass!" Yoongi snatched his perfect lunch back from the boy.

The two kept teasing the green haired as they came to a halt when they spotted a familiar tall boy with their gang logo on a black leather jacket.

"Joon! Hey Joon over here!"

"Yeah where were you at?"
The boys leaped at the said boy and each of them smacked him.

Hobi spoke up first while laughing, "Where were you all summer?"

Namjoon scoffed, "What are you? My mother?"

"I was just asking.." Hobi said hurtfully.

"I was working" The older boy rolled his eyes.

"WORKIN?" Jin held back a laugh.

"Yeah, ever heard of that lazy ass? I was movin' boxes down at bargain city, moron"

"Nice job~" Yoongi taunted.

"Fuck you, i've been savin' up to get me some wheels."

"Wanna hear what i did??" Hobi said eagerly.

"No." Namjoon said bluntly and crossed his arms.

Jin looked over Namjoons' shoulder and yelled, "Aye there's Tae!!"

The boys ran over to the boy chanting his name. The mullet haired was chatting with a girl but left to go see his friends.

Taehyung walked smoothly towards the gang lifting his hand to blow out the smoke from his cigarette.

The leader ran towards Yoongi and punched him jokingly on the stomach and gathered around the shouting boys.

"Aye, you see and new uh, hot chics over there?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"Nah, just the same old girls everyone's been with. But listen, try to keep ya dick in your pants, eh?" Taehyung smirked. Namjoon scoffed.
"Hey so what did you do all summer huh?" Hobi asked.

"I was hangin by the beach, doin yk.. you know?" Taehyung lips formed a box as he grinned.

"It must be tough hangin around all those chicks eh?" Jin said cheekily.

"Jin the only thing that hangs around you are the flies"

"And right here Hobi, eh??"

Namjoon cleared his throat and looked at Tae, "Ay so how was the action at the beach, hm?"

"It was chill," Taehyung looked down trying to hide the blush from his face, "I did meet this one guy though, it was- it was cool!.." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

Yoongi leaned on Tae's shoulder, "You think he's good in bed?"
Taehyung's smile dropped, "Oh cmon Yoongi is that all you ever think about??" He push Yoongi off his shoulder.

Yoongi laughed, "Hell yeah!"

The bell rung and the boys had to get to class, they all rushed inside pushing and shoving anyone who was in their way laughing.


"Do I look okay Jimin?.." Jungkook asked timidly.

Jimin grinned and looked at the younger, "Sure, you look good!"

Jungkook looked down with a frown, "I'm really nervous you know?"

"You look terrific my love, you'll be fine!" The shorter one assured.

The two walked in peaceful silence until the younger spoke up again, "So this is Rydell?.."

"Yep! You'll love it!!" The blonde said excitedly.

Jungkook frowned. "I loved the last school I was at, I really wish I was there right now.. still, im no stranger to heartbreak." 

Jimin patted the youngers' back and walked with him into the school.


A pink car pulled up into the school parking lot, 3 girls got out and fixed their makeup.

"Welp, here we are again" a girl named Aria said.

"Yeah but this time we're seniors!" Mia gasped.

"And we're gonna rule the school!" Aria and the girls giggled.

The three strutted to the doors as Aria threw her pink jacket over her shoulders, "Alright bitches, lets go!"


There was the start of my book ! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
Updates every friday's
Bye lovelies! 💕
- Isa

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