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Sophia (Age 4)
I get to go to daddy's this weekend and I am excited. Sometimes daddy is nice when I go but sometimes daddy is mean. Hopefully  I get nice daddy this weekend.

Mommy drives to where daddy's big plane lives at the airport . Maybe I want to fly planes when I'm big. Mommy gets out of the car and talks to daddy but mommy doesn't look happy. She rolls her eyes and opens my car door. She unstraps the buckles on my car seat. I hope down and reach in and pull my baby doll out too.

"Hi Daddy." I say running up and jumping into his arms.

"Hi Sophia." He says kissing my cheek.

"Daddy I like Sophie better." I say pouting. He gave me a look but ignored me. I said goodbye to mommy and kissed mommy's belly because my baby brother is in there. Daddy then tried to put me in the plane in my car seat.

"Daddy! I don't want to sit in my car seat. I want to sit next to you." I say whining and kicking my legs a little.

"You have to sit in your car seat. It keeps you safe."

He tried to set me down but I arch my back so he can't put me down. "Sophia. You are going to get spanked." He growls at me. He goes to set me back in and I arch my back again.

"Noooo!" I say loudly. He bends me forward and spanks me hard 3 times before he put me back in the carseat still crying. I cry hard into my hands because that hurt badly.

"Owww daddy. You gave me an ow." I cry into my hands.

"You should have listened and I wouldn't have had to give you an ow." He says clicking things on his phone.

I see my baby on the floor next to my car seat. "Daddy can I have my baby?" I ask not being able to reach it. He picks it up and hands it to me. I calm down soon after.

"My mommy has a baby in her belly. It's going to be a boy baby though." I say wrinkling my nose because I wanted a girl baby.

"That's cool." He said not really paying attention to me.

"Daddy I'm hungry." I said starting to wiggle around in my seat. He grabs my backpack and grabs a bag of crackers and a juice box mommy packed for me. He open the crackers and then put the straw in the juice. I ate quietly starting to get a little sleepy. I put the juice in the cup holder of my car seat and set the crackers in my lap. I go to take another bite but my eyes won't stay open anymore. I finally let sleep overcome me.

I slept long until I felt someone click me into my car seat. I open my eyes and see that we are are in Daddy's car.

"Daddy can we swim?" I ask making him jump. Well it was more like I swam while daddy sat on the edge of the pool on his phone. He never really put the phone down unless I was in trouble.

"It'll be too late tonight but maybe tomorrow." He says.

"I'm a good swimmer now. I don't even need a life jacket. Dad... Jax said he was going to sign me up for swim team." Remembering that daddy gets mad when I call Jax daddy. But Jax is a nicer daddy sometimes.

Daddy slightly glared at me through the mirror and I put my eyes down and looked at my baby that was on my lap.

He pulls into grandpas house and gets me out of the car. I run up to grandpa and jump in his arms. "There is no way this is my baby. What did you do with Sophie." Grandpa joked.

"Grandpa I am Sophie remember." I started laughing once he tickled my belly.

"No you're not. My Sophie is not this tall." He said tossing me into the air and catching me.

"You're going to wind her up and she will never go down for bed." Daddy grumped taking me from grandpa and setting me back down on the ground.

"I have a loose tooth." I said showing grandpa. "Mommy said when it comes out the tooth fairy will come." I say excited.

"You're right!" He says lightly pinching my cheek. I loved grandpa so much.

We ate a quick dinner and then daddy announced it was bath time. I hated bath time so much. I like to swim in pools but not in the bath tub.

"Daddy I don't want a bath. Mommy gave me a bath yesterday." I say mad and crossing my arms.

"You take a bath every night. Now be a good girl." He said picking me up and taking me up the steps to my bedroom and right into my bathroom.

"Daddy noooooo!" I say stomping my feet when he tries to undress me.

"Stop it little girl. You're getting a bath." He said pulling my pants off and I hold my shirt down. "Do you want a pop on that butt?" He asked glaring at me.

"No pop and no bath." I say letting my four year old temper out.

He lifted me over his knee and spanked me on the bare bottom hard two times. I was sobbing once he put me on the floor. I've never been spanked on the bare before.

He pulled my shirt off and sat me in the tub. He turned the water on and added bubbles and a few of the toys I keep here. "I want mommy." I say making a rubber ducky swim through the bubbles.

"Mommy would have popped you too if you acted like that."

"But mommy doesn't spank hard only like this." I say lightly smacking daddy's arm to show him.

"Well mommy needs to spank you harder than." He says lightly chuckling.

He finishes washing my body and hair. He even did a good job because he didn't get soap in my eyes like Jax does sometimes.

He wrapped me up in a towel and pulled me out. He dried me off, put lotion on me, and dressed me in my favorite Minnie Mouse pajamas.

"These are hideous. Where are the nice pajamas I got you?" He asked.

"They are not ideous daddy." I say trying to copy the word he used. "They are Minnie Mouse." I stated matter of factly.

"I told your mom no character clothing. It makes you look silly." He said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Mommy said that you can't tell her how to live her life anymore because you're not the boss of her only me." I said copying what mommy says to Jax. "One time mommy called you an asshole but I don't know what that means." I say innocently.

Daddy looked shocked. "Don't say that word  again. That's a bad word." He said not impressed he shook his head and picked me up. He got my cup of milk and my baby doll and took me to my room. He tucked me into my bed.

"I'm not ready for bed daddy. I want to play." I say crossing my arms. I was tired but I was to the point of being overtired.

"Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning." He said and walked out of my room.

"Daddy nooooo!" I cried getting out of bed and following him. He turned around and picked me back up and put me in bed. "Don't leave this bed again or you're going to be in trouble." He warned.

I should have listened by what does he suspect I'm only 4. I followed him out of the room and he sighed deeply. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to my room and sat on my bed. He pulled me over his leg and spanked me hard and fast 6 times over my pajama pants.

"Owww daddy no more. I'm sorry." I cry out hard. My nose is running and my tears are streaming down my face. He stood me up and I cried into his chest.

"You need to listen to me." He said sternly. He let me cry in his chest for another minute before he picked me up and laid me in my bed. He tucked me in. "Good night." He said.

"Daddy can you lay with me?" I ask wanting to be held.

"You need to learn how to put yourself to a
sleep." He said before leaving my room and shutting the door.

I cried myself to sleep for the first time in my life. This is where my dads and I relationship started to go down hill fast.

This was suggested to see a flashback from when she was younger. Please let me know if you would want to see another flashback!

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