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Of course this would be the situation where Beomgyu gets to be the one percenter.

He doesn't wake Soobin up this time. He'll just worry excessively over Beomgyu's health and spread his anxiety to all the others. The bathroom is near Soobin's room, and he's paranoid that if he opens the door Soobin will get out of bed and see him bleeding all over the hallway, so he makes do with what he has in his room.

Cloth wrapped precariously around his chest, he grabs his backpack and rushes out as quietly as possible. This is the third time in two weeks he's had to make this trek—running across their neighbourhood to pick up his heart—and his legs are suffering for it. He winces with every step as he makes his way to Yeonjun's apartment building, but he can't slow down. The alternative of Yeonjun finding Beomgyu's heart before he does is far worse than a little muscle strain.

Thankfully, he arrives at Yeonjun's place far earlier than last time, so he's able to ensure all the blood is scrubbed off the carpet before leaving instead of having to do a rush job. His heart is beating like crazy, reacting to his irritation even when it's outside his body, and he squeezes it like that'll make it stop. As if. It never listens to him, anyway.

He's so fucking tired. Of everything. It's like his body is directly sabotaging him for shits and giggles. He's beginning to think more and more that his heart literally hates him. If it wasn't medically unsound, he would smack it around a few times to snap some sense into it. Throwing a tantrum because he missed his chance with Yeonjun isn't helpful for either of them.

There's a cafe near his and Soobin's house that he frequents on the way to school, and he ducks inside of it, waving to the staff and pointing to the bathroom. They nod, not thinking twice about it. The privileges of being a regular.

He mentally apologises towards the oblivious staff for what he's about to do and shrugs off his outerwear so he can put his heart back in. It must be losing steam, because there's not as much blood spilling out from it anymore, and the towel over his chest has miraculously clotted most of his chest cavity. The clean up shouldn't be too bad.

The reason why he makes Soobin typically do this part is because it's fucking uncomfortable—when someone else does it, he doesn't have any choice but to deal with it. When he does it to himself, he always ends up flinching and chickening out at the last moment. But he's trying to hide today's endeavour from Soobin, so that's a no-go. Yeonjun's help is out of the question too, obviously.

It takes a bit of effort to get his heart to lodge back in place. Little pricks of pain run down his spine that come from touching the wrong spots and he bites his free fist to keep himself quiet. He despises the feeling of his fingers brushing his own insides, but he manages it.

The cleaning solution Kai makes for him has almost run out. Each bottle is supposed to last a year, but this one has turned out to have run its course after only five months. He's going to need to make up an excuse to Kai as to why his supply dwindled so quickly. Saying he spilled it is an option, but Beomgyu isn't that clumsy of a person and Kai will end up interrogating him over it.

Whatever, though. That's a problem for later. For now, he uses the last bit of the solution to wipe down the bathroom, being even more careful than normal to ensure he gets every spot. Leaving, he realises he was in there for almost ten minutes. He hopes they think he just had bowel problems or something.

The girl at the register smiles uncomfortably at him and he orders a single custard bun solely so he can tip an exorbitant amount in apology, even if they have no knowledge of what he just did. It's not unsanitary or anything, since he cleaned up, but he feels guilty for them being unintentionally complacent in his shiftiness.

heart trap | beomjun / yeongyuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin