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Beomgyu is ninety-nine percent sure he's in the clear now, since his heart never goes back to the same person twice. Never. He opens his eyes the following morning to a blistering headache but his heart blissfully beating in his body, and he's overcome with so much relief he wonders why he didn't just let it go to Yeonjun sooner.

He caves and takes two pills for his headache, portioning out a few for while he's at school as well, just in case. It's natural for him to get headaches after his heart leaves him—Kai says it's because of all the magic being exerted on his body to keep him alive—but it's worse than usual right now because it's happened twice in a week.

The painkillers don't actually help that much, but it's better than nothing. The medicine takes the edge off, which is good enough for him. And, just as a treat to himself, he buys an Americano on the way to school. He deserves it, for the shit he's put up with these past two weeks.

He almost drops his coffee when he rounds the corner to his first class and finds Yeonjun standing there, two coffees in hand. Yeonjun's gaze slides from Beomgyu's face to the coffee in his hands, then at the coffee in his own hands in dismay.

"I'll ask if any of the others want it," Yeonjun says.

Beomgyu briefly considers 'accidentally' tripping and spilling his own drink all over the floor so that he can take Yeonjun's and lessen his disappointment, but that might make things even more awkward.

"Sorry," he says instead, scratching the back of his head.

"Just my luck the one day you decide to buy it for yourself is the day I also decide to buy it for you," Yeonjun bemoans. "It's alright. I wanted to surprise you, that's all."

"You did!" Beomgyu insists. "Why are you even here?"

"... To give you coffee?"

Beomgyu pouts. "You know what I mean, hyung."

Yeonjun's shoulders fall. "I was worried for you. You scared the shit out of me yesterday."

"Still?" Beomgyu says, amused on the outside, preening on the inside. He doesn't need Yeonjun's concern at all, but it feels good to be cared for. "I'm fine, hyung."

"You still look a little feverish," Yeonjun frets.

"It's normal for the day after, you know this," Beomgyu retorts. Though in this case, it's actually because of Yeonjun. He takes a long sip of his Americano, allowing the cold liquid to clear up some of the residual heat on his face.

"I know, but..." Yeonjun's lips twist in irritation as someone elbows their way in between them. He looks like he wants to say something, then thinks better of it and shakes his head to clear his thoughts. "Take it easy today, okay? I'll see you later."

"Okay," Beomgyu says. He tries to parse what Yeonjun is feeling purely based on his expression. The only thing he can pick out is concern. "Seriously, hyung, don't worry. I'm totally fine, see?"

He tosses his iced coffee between his hands like he's juggling, much to Yeonjun's absolute horror.

"Hey, stop that! You're going to drop it on somebody!" he yells, and Beomgyu giggles, giving Yeonjun a little wave as he makes his way into his classroom.


"Hyung, are you sure you're okay?" Taehyun asks.

"Taehyun," Beomgyu replies, grinding his teeth together. "For the billionth time, I'm fine."

Taehyun narrows his eyes at him, his face right in front of Beomgyu's as if to intimidate him. Beomgyu stands his ground, arms crossed, not blinking.

"... Hm," Taehyun says, retreating. "It's just scary that it happened again out of nowhere. You really don't know the guy it went to?"

Soobin sends him a look of complete judgement over Taehyun's shoulder. Beomgyu forces all of his acting skills into appearing earnest and ignoring Soobin.

"He's some guy in my communications class, but I've never spoken to him before," Beomgyu lies. "I don't know why it happened, but it was probably a fluke."

"You don't even know him?" Yeonjun questions, frowning.

"Nope," Beomgyu says, drawing the word out. "I guess my heart is getting more desperate," he jokes.

"I guess so," Taehyun agrees. "You should ask Kai to take a look just in case."

"At what? My vitals?" Beomgyu's curse is gory and uncomfortable to look at but it's not dangerous. He's gone through this fifty times before. If he seems off, it's because he's mentally out of it, not physically. The painkillers have settled in now and his headache is mostly gone.

"You never know," Yeonjun says. "I think it's a good idea."

"I don't want to bother him. He's so busy right now." It's not nearly important enough to warrant pulling Kai away from his midterms. "You guys worry too much."

"I don't get why it would go to someone you don't even know," Yeonjun mumbles, mostly to himself. "Plus, if this guy doesn't know you yet but you know him, he isn't worth your time."

"Why indeed," Soobin snorts. "Why indeed."

Beomgyu kicks Soobin under the table, hard, and then flashes Yeonjun a smile. "Let's drop it, guys. It's not a big deal. As long as it doesn't happen again, it's fine."

"It better not," Yeonjun says.

heart trap | beomjun / yeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now