Chapter 8- Reunite

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"I mean stay away from them! They don't even like you! They probably just want something from you and then they'll forget about you" she yells again and took a step closer to me "you think they like you?" She lets out a humourless laugh and I stay quiet and she took it as a sign to continue "they don't. They just want to get in your pants. But again what boy would want to do that? Especially with a worthless redhead like you" she has a victorious smile on her face thinking her words got to me.

"A redhead who's way prettier than you and managed to get the attention of the guys you want without even trying" her smile falls from her face, replaced with a frown.

"You think you're prettier than me?" She points a finger at me and I glance at it before looking at her.

"No. I know I am" I look into her eyes.

"I hate you!" She moves closer again.

"The feeling is very mutual sister" I keep my stance in front of her.

"You should've died with your grandmother, better yet just die and reunite with her. You miss her don't you?,  go join her then" she just crossed all limits by mentioning her.

"Don't talk about her that way" I fight back the tears and she noticed making the smirk appear on her face again.

"Or what? What will you do? You're so pathetic. You're just like her! You're weak and useless" I blinked the tears away.

"And that is why she never liked you. You're rude and so self conceited. That's why she never had time for you, why she always invited me for holidays and why she always got me toys that you always steal and why she loved me more than anyone else" I tell her calmly and I could see her own tears forming.

"You think that affected me? It didn't. I didn't like her anyway" she turned around and stomped to her room.

I let out a sigh as the tears flow freely now. Her words stinging to my core. She has said a lot of things to me but this beats all of them.

better yet just die and reunite with her..

I walk to my room and throw my things on the bed. I removed my cloths and entered the bathroom sitting in the hot water in the tub.

Just die and reunite with her.

I place my head under the hot water for what felt like ages before coming back up for air.

Just die..

Do I even have a reason to live? I might be with my grandma if I just die. Wherever she is.

At least I won't be in this godforsaken household.

I got out the shower and I looked in the mirror. My eyes were puffy from all the crying and my lips red from the hot shower. My hair was sticking to my body.

I got dressed and unpacked my things.

I sat on the bed thinking about how my sister managed to ruin my day in a split second.

Just die

I can't get what she said out of my head and that's when I noticed the pocketknife nana gave me sitting on the bedside table.

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