Chapter Eight

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Alec looked up as Clary burst into his office. Alyson and Henry were standing across from his desk and he'd been explaining how to finish their reports on a demon attack upstate.

"Uh," Alec took in Clary's frantic eyes and hard breathing. "Underhill should be down in ops still, if you still have questions tell him I need him to help you."

Alyson and Henry nodded and left the office, closing the door behind them.

"I know you're new here, so I'm going to let that slide. In the future, if the door is shut, you knock and wait for someone to tell you to come in. Okay?" Alec instructed.

Clary nodded. "I'm sorry."

Alec inclined his head. "What's wrong?"

"Camille said something to Simon and I met this guy at Pandemonium the night I met you guys, Magnus Bane. He knew me and he had Raphael, from the hotel, take me home that night. I think I know him, it's just – it's all so blurry and confusing and I don't understand."

Alec blinked at her. "Okay . . . " He said slowly. "What exactly did Camille say to your friend?"

"She was asking him about the cup and where I hid it, Simon told her that I didn't have it and my memories are gone. Camille blamed Magnus Bane."

Alec sighed. Magnus Bane was the High Warlock of Brooklyn and someone that Ragnor spoke very highly of. It always made him wonder why Magnus, who was local, didn't take care of him the way that Ragnor did. Then there was the question of what the Silent Brothers had called him.

"Magnus Bane is a very well respected Warlock. The High Warlock of Brooklyn, which means that he is the area's Warlock leader. All the Warlocks in the area are his responsibility, they go to him with problems, for help. The other Downworld factions work with him to create peace throughout the Downworld."

"So that means that he's powerful enough to take my memories," Clary concluded.

"Yes, Clary, he is powerful enough that he could have taken your memories. He also is in a high enough position that he may have caught your mother's eye when she was trying to find someone to do so." Alec pointed out.

Clary frowned. "Wait, you think my mother asked for this?"

Alec sat back in his chair and stared at her. Where was the common sense? "Um, yes." He drawled. "why else would Magnus Bane care enough to take your memories? Your mother must have hired him."

Clary's frown deepened and Alec sat up, cutting off whatever she was gearing up to say. "I'll send a message to Mr. Bane and set up a meeting. I'll have you and Jace meet with him and offer the payment. Isabelle and I will watch the perimeter. As you've seen, I do better from a distance. Go on, I'll find you when I've got an answer."

Clary huffed and left the office.


Magnus sat on the couch in the club awaiting his daughter and the Shadowhunters that he was set to meet with. He looked up when he heard someone call his name. A blonde Shadowhunter, the one Raphael spoke of, was coming towards him, Magnus' daughter trailing behind him wearing a revealing black dress with runes etched into her skin.

Magnus stood up. "Clary Fairchild, you look like a Shadowhunter,"

"Magnus Bane," Clary looked him up and down. The lack of recognition in her gaze made Magnus' heart break. "You took my memories."

"At your mother's request," Magnus replied stiffly.

Clary didn't have anything to say after that so Magnus extended his hand toward the blonde. "My payment?"

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