Chapter Fourteen - Interlude

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Magnus dropped in just after lunch the next day. Alec made himself scarce even though Magnus didn't pay him much mind other than a friendly greeting at first. Instead, he holed away with Ragnor in the study for an hour before coming in search of Alec.

Alec had been invited to join Magnus and Ragnor in the study before they'd gone in, leaving the door open to ensure he knew he was invited to come in at any time. Alec, however, had declined and went to sit on the dock and stare out over the water.

It was peaceful there. It gave him time to think. He thought about his siblings and his mother. He thought about Ragnor's offer to teach him magic. He thought about Magnus. He thought about Magnus a lot.

He thought about the way he looked at Alec, and that strange, tingling feeling that he'd had the first time he'd looked into the warlock's eyes. The way that the whole world had come into focus when their eyes locked. It was like he'd found a missing piece of himself; not unlike the way that he and Jace were connected, pieces of each other through the bond that they shared.

"There you are," Magnus' voice made Alec turn to look over his shoulder.

Magnus was approaching, an easy smile on his lips as he meandered closer to Alec. He came to sit directly next to him, their shoulders pressed together. Alec couldn't help the shudder that ran through him at the feeling of Magnus. His presence, his warmth, the feeling of his body against Alec's; even if it was just their sides pressed together, fully clothed.

"I've been looking for you," Magnus admitted when Alec didn't try to engage in conversation.

Alec looked over at him. Magnus was beautiful. It was such a simple word, it didn't truly do Magnus justice, but no word that Alec knew did. He was everything that Alec had ever wanted and was always told he couldn't have. Men do not lie with men. It's unnatural; a sin.

When he looked at Magnus, he was reminded of something he'd read in the library of the Institute.

"I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love. For it is a fever, and a burden, too, whatever the poets may say."

But more than that, Magnus reminded Alec of something that he couldn't recall. It was so unbearably frustrating, the feeling of something being right on the tip of his tongue, right on the edge of his memory, his consciousness, and not being able to recall just what it was that Magnus was stirring up inside of him.

Magnus just seemed so familiar, like Alec had met him before, seen him somewhere before, experienced something with him, and shared memories with him. But Alec never had. He'd never met Magnus before that night when they'd fought Circle Members side-by-side.

"I've been here," Alec said simply, looking back at the surface of the lake. Upon further inspection, he'd found that there were several different types of fish under the surface and that turtles could be found hiding close to the shore under the cover of some of the tree branches.

Magnus chuckled quietly. "It appears so," he replied good-naturedly. "I was hoping to ask you something."

"So ask," Alec shrugged.

Magnus smiled. "I was wondering if I could take you to dinner tonight?"

Alec started and looked up to gaze at Magnus in wonderment. Dinner? He thought. Surely, he only means as friends, he's best friends with Ragnor. He doesn't like me like that.

"Dinner?" Alec asked aloud.

Magnus smiled saucily and leaned back on his hands, kicking his feet flirtatiously as he tipped his head back, still looking up at Alec. "Dinner." He said in confirmation. "You, me, some food, maybe a little wine. I know this great place in Paris, just down the street from the Louvre. You'll love it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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