𝟬𝟬𝟭 Dangerous Curiosity

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"We ought to inform my father and General Ruyi," Ming-Yue suggests to his friend, his gaze fixed on the unfamiliar ships.

Something feels off. Ships never frequented these waters before, so why now?

As he moves to leave in haste, Feifei grabs his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. Her grin is infectious, revealing her bright teeth that momentarily blind him. He instantly recognizes the mischief behind that grin, and he's not pleased.

"You can't be serious, Feifei . . ." he begins, his frown deepening, but she continues to beam. "We're outnumbered! It's two against . . . who knows how many are on those ships!"

"We're Moon Warriors, and we're as strong as half of Avatar Suijin!" she says with excitement, bouncing up and down before turning and heading towards the water, where the waves gently crash against the shore. "Come on, Your Highness! Is that robe slowing you down?" she teases, laughing as she reaches the shore.

Feifei isn't blind to the ruthlessness of the Fire Nation. They brought war to the world, destroying countless homes and taking over almost every island and place they touched as if they brought hell with them. Somehow, Ch'uan has never been invaded since Fire Lord Sozin started the war. Maybe it's because Ch'uan is a secluded island, far from the rest of the world. It's called the Island of the Cursed for a reason.

Ming-Yue keeps calling his friend's name as he runs after her, "Feifei! Wait! Don't go there!"

But it's no use. He knows it's no use, and he feels silly for even trying to stop her.

Without waiting for the prince, Feifei summons a wave and hops onto it. She uses it to glide herself towards the ships, surfing on the wave's crest. She doesn't care about her Hanfu getting wet, as long as she can get answers from the people on one of the ships.

When she hears another wave behind her, she looks back and smirks, seeing the prince following her. She knows how to get what she wants, how to push the prince forward, and how to get her way. Curiosity killed the cat? More like curiosity satisfied the cat's thirst for knowledge.

As Feifei reaches the ship and leaps aboard, the Fire Nation soldiers are startled by her sudden appearance. Their surprise only grows when Prince Ming-Yue joins her on deck.

"Who are you? What do you want?" one of the soldiers demands, reaching for his weapon.

Unfazed, Feifei steps forward, her gaze steady. "We're just travelers passing through," she replies with a kind expression, yet her voice tinged with defiance. "We're curious about what brings the Fire Nation to these waters."

Before the soldier can respond, another launches fireballs at Feifei. Prince Ming-Yue quickly summons a water shield to block the attack, the water sizzling as it meets the flames.

"Stop this!" Ming-Yue commands, stepping protectively in front of Feifei. "We only seek answers."

The soldiers are taken aback by Ming-Yue's waterbending skills. "You're from the Water Tribe," one observes warily.

Without giving both the prince and Feifei a moment to explain themselves, the soldiers continue to advance, launching more attacks at the pair. Feifei and Ming-Yue find themselves forced into a defensive stance, dodging and deflecting the firebending onslaught.

With a determined expression, Feifei summons a surge of water, shaping it into a massive wave that knocks the soldiers off balance. Seizing the chance, Ming-Yue pulls Feifei away from the chaos, retreating toward the safety of the sea.

As they ride the waves, Feifei glances back at the ship, her curiosity still burning bright. But her eyes widen when she sees the ships changing course, heading toward Ch'uan, following them.

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