Chapter 1: Blood of womanhood

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We arrive at the green valleys about ten in the morning. This place is greener than the ones we have been to a few months ago, so there is water and vegetation for us. Once I started the fire, I sat. Fire always amuses me. Its warmth has been enough to keep us alive for as long as I can remember. After a while, Karaya comes back with fish, a couple of fish thrashing as if it would do any good, as if water would come to their rescue. A swift jamming of a twig and soon the fish were roasted over the fire. Karaya always said eating is a must before we study. A full stomach serves a full brain, she says. Besides, I haven't had anything but berries since we left the forest, so it is about time that we ate.

"For the food before us, we thank Mother Nature. For the strength it will give us, we thank our guides". Karaya always leads the prayer before eating. A fish slipped from the twig and into the ember and I was quick to get it. Karaya hurts herself with fire. It always baffled me as to why. Fire is comfort, and not once did it harm me. As I pick up the fish from the embers, red pieces of burning wood were sticking to its scaly exterior, which I brushed off gently. It was no trouble. We don't want any injuries, especially not for Karaya who bleeds quite a lot when she is hurt.

Another lesson. Today is mathematics. I used to love mathematics when I was younger. Adding seeds and stones weren't hard. I don't know why it had to become complicated. Why should I divide them? Why should I multiply them? I never really understood, neither did I ask. It was always Karaya's first rule: do not ask. Except for offering prayers and songs to Mother Nature and thanking our guides and our lessons, Karaya never actually spoke about anything, and I learned not to talk too much either.

Once again, the entire day went on as it should. However, something peculiar happened. After our lesson, Karaya went for a dip in the fresh water. After a while she came back looking scared. "Are you alright? Is something bothering you?" "Never you mind" she answered in a gentle manner as usual, as her moist skin looked clearer now that she was able to cleanse herself, and her long auburn hair held drops of water. I had expected such response and was about to tend to the fire when her fingers clasped my shoulders. She never does this; she never looks me in the eyes. Something must be wrong. She looks so scared. "Cloud, you must listen, you will stay here and keep yourself away from anyone and anything until I return" she looked serious when she said that, and it scared me how serious she is. Yes, she never was one to be lighthearted for almost everything, but her seriousness was something else. I nodded before she gathered her belongings and went off somewhere. I wasn't sure where.

I wish I asked, I hate being alone, especially when the sky has gone dark. She hasn't returned and I am becoming worried. Her instructions were simple: stay here and keep myself away from anyone and anything until she returns. I started to feel something different. Maybe it was the fish and berries, some food just do not go together, or maybe it was my nerves. But I must go to nature's calling. As I sat down and brought down my garments, I noticed something... odd. My eyes grew as my fingers came back from feeling myself below. Blood. Why is blood coming out of me? From there? My shivering hands were evidence to the fright I was feeling. I let out a deafening scream. I am alone, it had gone dark, and blood is coming out of my nether region. I fall to the shallow area of the fresh water, soaking myself as the blood colored its purity. I was screaming for Karaya, but no one came. I could feel a different feeling, something I have never once felt in my life. My veins seem... warm. Some sensation so foreign to me is now spreading out all over my body from my core. Everything is extremely overwhelming, and I let out another scream until the wind started to become so strong as if a storm was there. I lift my hands as I feel an odd sensation and I see them... glowing. Some form of lightning surrounding them, and it only scared me more, and unknowingly unleashing lightning from my hands and burning a straight mile of grass from where I sit. And with the illumination of what I did, there she was, Karaya, standing petrified from the side. "I- I don't know what happened! I don't know!" I cried out to her, and she simply came rushing in and splashed water to my face. "A gentle breeze in spring is here, as dandelions fly in near. We say our prayers unto her, plentiful harvest from our Mother" she sang. It was the same song she would sing when I was a child or when I was afraid. It was her quick way to calm me down. And like any other time, it worked again. Howling winds stopped, my hands no longer were glowing. Volts from around my hands disappeared. "I can no longer protect you on my own, Cloud. We must seek the help of your sisters". My sisters? Whatever does she mean? I have sisters? What did just happen? I have a million questions running through my head, but I haven't the energy to start asking.

HalfbreedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora