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A/N: I am so sorry for the later update! I could not for the life of me figure out what to do for chapter 15! I also had some stuff come up like a job and then one of my close family members died and then school got started up again and mix work with school, that kinda leaves me not being able to work on this and not really have time to think about this chapter. Also I just put it on Quotev in hopes that it will motivate me more to work on this story since rn a lot of stories I make is currently being active there and more frequently worked on. So let's hope this will get me to work on it more. Also do you like the new cover? Btw that is about 0.1% of me on that. Idk who made it but I only modified it a little to make it more epic or dramatic whichever would fit it. Anyways, have a nice time reading chapter 15!

It was the day of the final exams. You were so filled with nervousness that your body was clearly portraying it. You were sitting next to Bakugou, in your hero costume. Since it was clear you were nervous, Bakugou could see it. He sighed and placed a hand on your head. "You'll be alright Witchy, you're strong, after all, I trained ya," he said, attempting to comfort you. You sighed, looking at him.
  "I know, just test anxiety creeps up at every chance it gets. I can't help it." He pushes you with your head. 
  "AS I SAID, there is nothing to worry about. Just stop thinking about useless things idiot,"Bakugou says. You huff, looking away from the male. Aizawa then calls out to you and your classmates. He explains that for this test, you will be paired up and fight one of the teachers. For this one, I seem to be alone for this test. I wonder if it's because there was an uneven amount of students. I'm supposed to be facing Hawks so I'm kinda nervous since he's the number three hero after all.

  I sat away from everyone to decide what to do. It wouldn't be wise to face off with the number two hero, so I should just evade him as much as possible and make it to the other side. But with his quirk, I doubt it would be that easy. It didn't feel that long until I heard Bakugou and Midoriya being called up for their exam against All Might. This won't go well. I watch anxiously at the screen for their exam. My legs were bouncing a lot, even if I was leaning forward and having my hands clasped. This was really making me anxious for them. Their bond is how it was in our last lives except worse due to both of them being humans now and most people have a quirk from the age of 4. So this could bring more issues than what they dealt with in the past.

  I just hope this can be fixed like it was last time. I then feel some stinging from my lips.Confused, I touch my lips to see that I've been biting them as well. Fuck. I haven't been this nervous since the attack at USJ. And that was mostly a situation I could do something in, but not being able to do something is getting on my nerves! I look away and stand up. Walking away, I call out to one of the teachers monitoring the students in the waiting room. "I'm going out for some air. Could you tell me when I need to take my exam?" They nod and let me out. Nodding, I walk out of the room and to a place nearby to clear my thoughts. 

  I sigh and sit down in a place I don't think I'll be messed with. I need to get these feelings under control for now! I can let all of these thoughts go when or if I'm able to be with Katsuki again! I also need to think about education too if I want to stay by Katsuki any more! Let's just hope I can keep this up for longer! I sigh and lay down, staring at the clear sky. "You should be getting ready for your test dumbass," I hear a rough voice say. Looking up, I see an older version of Bakugou. He looked about twenty-three, more built and wore clothes I was more used to seeing him in. His red cloak swayed lightly as he was making his way to me. 

  Huh? Suddenly everything around me looked like a white abyss. A hand was on my cheek before I could process anything. He rubbed my cheek while looking at me softly. "Katsuki?" I call out to him. He eyes grow softer and he places a kiss on my forehead. 

  "Darling, you need to not think so much. Isn't that what I've always said," he says, now pinching my cheeks. I whine and try slapping his hand away. He lets out a chuckle before releasing me. I whine and rub at the sore spot.

  "You didn't need to do that..." I groan out. He rolls his eyes at me. 

  "How am I going to get the message to you then?" he raises an eyebrow.

  "You could've just told me over and over again," I answer. 

  "It still wouldn't have gotten through that thick skull of yours," he teases. I look at him in shock and being offended at the words.

  "Hey! I'm not that bad!" I exclaim.

  "Sure..." he rolls his eyes in a sarcastic manner. I pout at him and look away from his figure. It isn't until I feel arms around me that my posture softens. With his body close to mine, I feel him run a hand through my hair. He rests his chin on my head as he starts to talk. "You know, worrying about me isn't going to help any, right? You know I can handle myself, so don't worry. Okay?" I look down and nod against him, burying myself in his heat. 

  "I know, but it doesn't make it any better to not worry about you. This life or the last," i let out. 

  "Yes... I may be more of a little shit this time, just give it some time before you make any drastic decisions. Okay?" Biting onto my lip, I nod. 

  "Okay," you nod. He gives me another soft smile and kisses the top of my head. He takes a step back and starts walking away. He stops before going further.

  "Just...... make sure you live longer this time, okay?" he asks me. I nod at him and he walks away, looking like he was disappearing into the white abyss. 




  "Oi! Wake up!" Startled, you look around to see the younger version looking down at you. "Your test is going to be soon and you're here, sleeping?" he raises an eyebrow at you. You scratch your cheek and laugh.

  "Sorry. I went out to get some air and I guess I fell asleep." You look at him, bandages covering him and without a second thought, you feel him pinch your cheek harshly. 

  "Dumbass! What if you failed because you fell asleep!? Huh? What about that?!" he yelled.

  "Ow! Bakugou! That hurts!" you cry.

  "How else am I gonna get the message through your thick skull?!"

  "You don't need to hurt me to do that! You could've just reminded me!"

  "And would you have listened to it?" he asked, a little pissed. You go silent, looking away. He pulls at the cheek in his grasp. You whine and swat the hand away, standing up and taking a step back, your hands going up.

  "Okay! I'll go get ready for my exam!" You then walk away. Bakugou watches as you walk away. When he thinks you have gone far enough, he lets a small smile fall on his face.

  "Go beat his ass Witchy."

A/N: Oh my! Finally something! Sorry about the writer's block there. Also the next chapter is your final exam! At first I thought it would be cool to have you guys with Bakugou for the final exam and then I thought about pairing you with Shoji but scrapped it when I saw potential with a fight scene when two people suggested Hawks! Putting it on Quotev kinda helped me there since I'm more active there nowadays but I decided to post it here first since I have more ppl here and this was the first place this was too, so I stuck with it. Anyways, have a nice day ya'll!

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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