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A/N- here you go to all of those fellow MHA fanfic creators^^

USJ was bigger than I could ever imagine. There were some terrains that I was thrilled to go to, while not so much with others. "Everyone, this is Thirteen. She will be helping you in this training," Aizawa explains. He then pulls Thirteen away and they whisper to themselves. After a bit, Thirteen starts to talk to us.

"Now students, I have a couple things to tell you.... well maybe three or four.... maybe five," she starts to count.

Being slightly annoyed my classmates and I say, "We get it." As she starts to talk, I continue to look around. A gaze from red eyes connects with my e/c ones. I smile at him and continue to look around. Suddenly, I see some purple smoke swirl around the water fountain.

"Uh... Aizawa-sensei, is there supposed to be others helping today?" I ask, pointing to the people now walking out of the smoke. Aizawa's eyes widen and he yells at Thirteen.

"Come on kids, it's time to get out of here," she yells at us. We make a break for the entrance when the portal guy appeared in front of us, stopping us in our tracks.

"Good evening, we are the League of Villains. We have come here to kill the symbol of peace." His yellow orbs look in the group. "It seems that he is not here. Did something change?" All of a sudden, Bakugou and Kirishima run up to the mist and attack, a smokescreen in their place.

"Do you think that we are gonna back down like a bunch of pussies and let villains like you kill the number one hero? Tch. Think again!" Bakugou yelled.

"You bunch are sure golden eggs of UA. But I can't let you through and ruin our plan," The mist called out. The smoke was going away and we could see the mist dude was unscathed. Somehow Iida had managed to separate escape before the mist could spread its dark hues over my classmates and me I. Darkness had surrounded me in a matter of seconds, the cold air nipping at my exposed skin.

"AHHHHH!" I scream from the air. My hair was furiously moving behind me as wind harshly hit my body. Even though I was falling and not on the comfort of the ground, I felt free. Suddenly my body hits the concrete floor. "Ow." My limbs were now in pain from the fall. They felt as if they were burning. My eyes watered as I struggle to get up. I was finally able to stand up. Looking at my surroundings, I notice my hat a few feet away from me. I limp to it and put it on my head, my arms ached. Pain was coursing my body, although my back being the worst.

"Fuck my life," I curse under my breath. Sudden freezing temperatures hit me like waves of pain. I shivered and attempt to warm my arms up, although having trouble. I slowly walk through my pain and to a clearing. There I saw Todoroki standing in front of a field of frozen goons. "Todoroki," I call. The duel-haired man turns to me and nods at my presence.

"It seems to be just you and me here," he said. I nod.

"Yes, it does. Have you found out anything from these goons?" I ask. He nods.

"I have. They plan to lure All Might here by beating us and then kill him. They split our class up without even knowing our quirks though." I nod at the info.

"Okay, I guess we should make it to the entrance. That's the place the leaders seem to be staying at right now. If we at least capture them, we may have a chance to prevent them from harming All Might. We can even help Aizawa fight the other villains," I say. Todoroki nods at me. He starts to walk the way to the entrance before I call him again. "Can you help me, I took a harsh landing earlier," I request. Without saying anything, he kneels, hands ready to hold my legs. I hop on his back. Todoroki starts to skate on his ice to the entrance.

"FEAR NOT STUDENTS, FOR I AM HERE!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I look to see All Might inside a hole in the wall. He still had that smile plastered on his face, but I could see his eyes flash in anger. I shake in anticipation and fear.


Being twelve had its perks since I was allowed to go into the forest. I was skipping along in the forest. I didn't know what was in here and I didn't care. I had come across a rustling bush. Curious, I move some of the branches and look around. Out came a buffy man. His hair was a bright yellow blonde with two stripes of hair sticking up.
He seemed to be struggling with something in his grasp. He cursed at whatever was in his grasp. I didn't see anything that he could grab a hold of. I go to walk up to the man, but before I can do anything, he comes charging at me, his fist out.
With his strength, he punched me in the stomach. The power of his punch caused me to go through several trees. Tears stung my eyes as I felt like I was on the verge of dying. Splinters and possibly broken bones fueled the pain in my back.
I had later learned in my life that the man, All Might was fighting a mage with illusion abilities and the mage used me as a perfect target for All Might's wrath. I had forgiven the muscular man, but I still had the trauma from the encounter.
My body vigorously shook as the memories reappeared. The faint feeling of the pain had spread across my back.
Just great. A panic attack along with my injuries. What a great combination, I thought before my panic attack set in. Flashes of the incident surrounded my vision. My breathing patterning sped up and my head started to get light. I hadn't even noticed I was still in the USJ before I heard a voice screaming for me.
"OI, WITCH! GET YOURSELF UNDER CONTROL, WE'RE STILL IN THE HEAT OF A BATTLE!" Snapped out of my daze, I look to see Bakugou pinning down the portal guy. My breaths started to slow down and I even felt a cool chill go through me. I hadn't even noticed that my body was significantly heating up until Todoroki had activated his quirk softly on me.
"Thanks," I mutter to him. He nods and uses his quirk to help All Might fight the thing called a Nomu. It was disgusting. It had the body of a strongly built man and mostly the head of a man, except for the brain sticking out and the beak. Let's not forget to mention the horrid dark blue color its skin was.
"Midoriya," I heard Todoroki call out. I look in Midoriya's direction as the green-haired make looked at us. "Can you take (Y/N) to the entrance while I help All Might?" Midoriya nods and grabs me. I wince in pain as his arm hits a very sensitive spot on my back. He apologizes, but I brush it off.
"Let's hope the Pros get here before anyone else gets injured," I say. Midoriya nods. He places me down on the ground, leaning against a wall. Trying not to scream out, I get into a position to help not to injure myself further. I look back up to see the Nomu go rushing at Bakugou. Adrenaline kicks in and I activate my quirk before I can even register that I did.
Without another thought, my body changes shape and form, my plasma fusing in too. Opening my eyes, I charge straight at the Nomu as All Might blocks the attack meant for Bakugou. My instincts take control and my mouth latches onto the creature's arm. The Nomu shrieks and harshly grabs onto my neck. I whine but keep a firm grip on his arm.
Angered, it squeezes my neck until I let go. Then it throws me into a wall. I wail in pain and try to get back up, but I can't. Pain harshly surges through my back once more. Adrenaline may have delayed my body from feeling the pain, but I feel it now more than ever. It felt like knives were digging into my back, just in between, and into the vertebrae of my spine.
My vision got all hazy and I lost track of time and instead just sat still, trying to stay awake. I suddenly smelt a familiar and nice scent. My body may have fused with my plasma and transformed into some type of animal, but I hadn't got the advantages of the animal's senses.
Even without the animal senses, I can clearly smell the scent of caramel and burning wood. Opening my eyes fully, I look to see Bakugou sitting beside me, his hand petting the fur on my head. I whine in pain. "It's gonna be alright witch, the Pros are here now," he told me. Relieved, I close my eyes and drift off.

I found you Bakugou x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now