Chapter 3

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06/09/22. 00:54am

When I woke up, I was happy, Until I remembered what today was.
Today was the day I was saying goodbye to my mum, her final send off, Today is also the day I would be saying goodbye to Rebekah and Mike and getting on a plane to hell.
I reluctantly swung my legs out of bed and went for a shower.
I put on the black dress that I had prepared it had black lace going down the arms and was slightly flared at the bottom. I then put on make up and curled my hair.
Rebekah was making food when I went downstairs.
She was dressed in black trousers with a black shirt on she had curled her hair just like mine and was wearing a little bit of make up.
"Want some pancakes?" She had asked as soon as I entered the kitchen.
"No I'm not hungry" I said a hint of bitterness in my voice.
"Look i don't want to send you to live with your dad, i really don't, i like you staying here but he's your dad, i can't keep you here no matter how badly I want to." She says smiling at me sadly.
"Just forget it" i say "if theres nothing you can do what's the point in bringing it back up"
"I just wanted to let you know how sorry i am" she says
"Why are you sorry i thought it wasn't your fault?" i had questioned
"It's not, I'm just sorry you need to live with a guy you hate more than anything" she says and something about the way she says it makes me believe her.
Maybe she does want me to stay, maybe I was just being my stupid paranoid self.
I end up eating some pancakes and then we head out for the funeral.
As they lowered the coffin into the ground I couldn't help but think about all the bugs and it made me not want to do it.
I threw a rose onto the coffin and stood back.
"Goodbye" I whisper as tears roll down my cheek.
After the funeral we head home and I grab my suitcase and sit it at the front door.
I look up and Rebekah is standing there looking at me sadly.
"Mike and I want to take you somewhere before we head to the airport."
I look at her confusion evident on my face.
"Where?" I asked
"It's a surprise, take the keys and go sit in the car I'll be there in a minute take your suitcase with you." She had said excitedly
I wheel my suitcase out to the car and put it in the trunk.
I sit in the back and wait patiently for Mike and Rebekah.
After a couple of minutes I see them come out the door. I roll down my window and grab the keys.
"Thanks" Mike says taking them off me and locking the door.
"We were just double checking you hadn't left anything behind" Rebekah says smiling at me.
If I was being honest I was actually quite excited to see where we were going.
I read Pride and Prejudice for the majority of the car journey.
I was on page two hundred and sixty one when the car came to a halt, I realised I hadn't brought a bookmark.
Page two hundred and sixty one remember don't forget, two hundred and sixty one, two hundred and sixty one I recited as I got out the car.
I was so focused on remember the page I hadn't realised where we were.
I looked up and seen the beautiful blue waves splash against the shore, the golden yellow sand beneath my feet.
Rebekah had taken me to the beach I always went to with my mum.
I was so taken aback that I forgot the page number, but I didn't really care.
"I'm sorry if you don't like it, I just thought, well Arizona doesn't have many beaches and I thought you should go to the beach one last time, I'm sorry this was a bad idea" Rebekah says
"It's perfect" I say tears beginning to fall down my cheek.
I sit in the exact spot I was sitting in a few weeks ago, before everything changed.
I breath in the salty air and I feel like I'm home.
Then I realise this is the first time I have came here without my mum.
My thoughts always have to ruin a perfect day.
After a while we decide to head to the airport.
When we get there we go through security. It takes a while but it gives me time to flick through pride and prejudice and find my page.
I read the first sentence on every page until I find one I remember reading.
I look down, page two hundred and sixty one, that sounds about right.
Rebekah, Mike and I find some seats in the waiting room and sit down.
I keep checking the board to see when my flight is I feel sick, I'm about to see the man who abandoned me, for the first time in seven years.
My stomach is churning with a mix of emotions,
Sadness, that I'm leaving Rebekah I had grown to like her.
Anger, that I'm going to have to listen to that asshole when I get off the plane, and Fear, because I hate going on planes, whenever I do go on planes I need to read the whole time to take my mind off it.
I hear my flight number get called, Mike, Rebekah and I stand up.
I grab my suitcase and say goodbye to Rebekah and Mike.
"Thank you so much for helping me the past couple of weeks I don't think I could have done it without you. I'm sorry for the way I treated you I thought you were trying to get rid of me" I said looking at the ground.
"You are such a strong girl, and it's fine I understand, now go and make that guys life a living hell, ok?" She said smiling at me
"Ok" I say smiling back
I take a deep breath and board the plane.
I take my seat and put my suitcase on the rack above my seat, and this brings me to now, when I'm on a plane, Pride and Prejudice on my knee, ready to ruin the life of the person who calls himself my dad.

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07/09/22.                     9:11pm

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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