Chapter 5 - America's Tour (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

William: Good evening Canada, Toronto and especially Quebec and its citizens, I want to thank the singers, the presenters, the journalists and the producers for this wonderful fundraising concert

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William: Good evening Canada, Toronto and especially Quebec and its citizens, I want to thank the singers, the presenters, the journalists and the producers for this wonderful fundraising concert. Climate change has always been of great importance in my family, my grandfather Prince Filipe went from the Brittania ship to a Glacier, where he filmed large pieces of ice falling and being displaced and finally being defeated, he also filmed from a distance from where he was to London Paris Toronto Washigton DC Sidney Mexico City Buenos Aires Luanda and so on, my father Prince Carlos since his 30s he started to build a biological farm either in Clarance House Kensington Palace and Birkhall, both mine parents when my brother and I were 16 years old and taught us what climate change was all about. When I joined the army there is a motto "Help and Protect", it helped me both in my life in the family and personal army, which I will surely pass on to future generations, that we have to protect our home and our planet. I also want to thank the professionals, the firefighters, the police and the Canadian army for helping to fight both the fires in Quebec and its population. Thank you very much, and God bless the firefighters the police the army the navy the air force and Canada thank you very much.

After finishing the speech, the audience applauded the Duke for the speech, then came the Prime Minister of Canada where he said that about 40,000,000$ was raised, 20 million of which were donated by the Federal Government. After it was all over, the dukes went to the mansion where they were staying. The next day, they got up early, where both the dukes and the baby had breakfast before heading to the Toronto Zoo. They arrived at the Zoo, where the director gave the baby a beaver (toy), (...) after that they visited the zoo where the baby was always happy to see animals (in her father's arms), after that they went to Parliament Canadian where he would speak. (...)

William: Thank you very much Mrs Governor General, Mr Prime Minister members of regional governments, members of both chambers of parliament gentlemen governors, dear Canadian people, the first member of the royal family to visit this country was ...

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William: Thank you very much Mrs Governor General, Mr Prime Minister members of regional governments, members of both chambers of parliament gentlemen governors, dear Canadian people, the first member of the royal family to visit this country was the future William IV, then came the prince Edward Duke of Kent father of the great Queen Victoria and considered by many as the founder of modern Canada, then in 1860 came my 4th grandfather the future Edward VII and after several years more members of the royal family came, in 1908 the future King George V visited Quebec City for its 300th anniversary from 1913 to 1919 my great-grandfather the future George VI and also future King Edward VIII the former visited parts of this country while serving in the Navy and the latter took a two month tour, since then several members have visited this wonderful country until in 1951 the then Crown Princess Elizate and her husband Filipe visited Canada, since then they have visited many times times, in 1981 my father visited canada until ten years later 1991, both my parents toured canada, and in 2006 i came William Kate and the future queen princess Helena. Since its discovery and independence, Canada and its people have proven that they can fight, rebuild and vote. From 1867 to the present prime minister, canada has changed century and accompanied the world in that even in both world wars, so I want to say on my behalf on behalf of the queen my grandmother of Comnewealth as your future king and the generations to come visit this wonderful country thank you very much.

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