Chapter 15

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Isabella had been gone nearly three months when Roman finally signed the divorce papers. In the month it took him to finally give in, he never once tried to contact the twins, or Carrie. He didn't come back to the penthouse. Once the divorce was finalized, Roman had taken an ISA job, and left Salem without another word. Marlena was worried about how Roman's leaving might affect the twins, but they were so stable with John, and had never really had the opportunity to bond with Roman, it didn't seem to phase them at all.

Carrie struggled the most with losing Roman, because she had known her father before his time with Stefano, and after his time with Stefano, and she truly felt what she had lost. John was amazing in helping her with it. He had her over for dinners, and spending time with her siblings. He would remind her, every time, that she was his Punkin' and he would always love her, no matter what. Carrie marveled to herself sometimes that the two most amazing parents in her life were non-biological. It certainly didn't feel that way, as she fell seamlessly into the Brady-Black family.

Alise was adjusting amazingly well, and Marlena felt that having Alise with her, for her first four years, made all of the difference. The child was coming home to someone she knew and trusted. The family was so full of love for each other, and for her, that the transition was smooth and natural. Sami and Alise shared a room full of Barbie's, with occasional spats, which caused Carrie to laugh as she remembered what it was like to live with Sami.

Marlena rolled to her other side, in another attempt to get comfortable and sleep, but she couldn't. All she could think about was the one night she had allowed John to slide into her bed, and he had spent the next hour and a half proving how much he loved her, without making love to her. Although, if Marlena was honest with herself, what they had done was making love. Every day he touched her softly as he walked by, or he gave her kisses when no one was looking, he held her on the couch while the children played, or his hand would take hers if they were walking along the pier. He was proving to her that this was what he wanted. It wasn't just a rebound after Isabella that might end in a fire filled emotional mess.

Marlena was sitting up and getting out of bed before she had even thought about what she was about to do. All she knew was that her body ached for him, and she was tired of fighting it. She knocked on John's bedroom door softly, before opening it a small crack and stepping inside. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was barely 3:00 am, and she heard the water running in the bathroom. Walking towards the room, she saw John's reflection in the mirror through the partially open door. He was leaning towards the shower spray, one hand bracing his body against the tile. The water was gliding down his body, and the air was filled with a steamy haze, but what caught Marlena's attention was his hand sliding over his erect cock as he stroked himself. She wasn't sure who moaned, him, or her, but his head lifted, and his eyes caught hers in the mirror. His hand slowed in its movements, but he didn't stop.

John felt arousal punch him in the gut, as he stared at Marlena in the mirror, and continued to fist his cock. Her nipples were high and tight under the white silk, her breathing coming in short jerky pants, and all he could do was squeeze himself harder, and groan out, "Fuck, Doc..."

She stepped into the room, with no hesitation, and she stepped inside the shower, still wearing her white silk nightgown. The fabric barely reached her knees, and John watched in rapt fascination as the steam from the shower, and the spray from the water, soaked the silk. Nothing was left to his imagination, as the material, which was once opaque, was suddenly translucent. Marlena stood there, and watched in arousal while John continued to jerk his cock, and stare at her as if she was his next meal.

He couldn't wait any longer. John fisted his hands in the wet silk of Marlena's nightgown, pulling her forward quickly. She gasped, looking up at him with wide eyes, and felt her pussy start to throb. "I've wanted you since you came home," he whispered. "It was always one, or the other, pushing back. We're done waiting, Doc. You came to me, and we're done waiting."

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