Chapter 11

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Marlena had left John at the penthouse with the children, while she ran by the house to get some of her things. She was hoping to see Roman there, since she'd called the police station and found out he had the day off. She hadn't spoken to him since their last phone call when she was still in Italy, although she continued to leave him messages in the hopes that he might call her back. When she arrived, she saw that Roman's car was parked in the driveway, along with another car she didn't recognize. As soon as she let herself in the house, she knew this meeting was not going to go well. Right after she stepped in the front door, Roman exited the kitchen wearing only a pair of jeans with the top button unsnapped, and Taylor McCall descended the stairs wearing only a t-shirt of Roman's. Both of them looked at Marlena with equal looks of shock.

Marlena wasn't really surprised. She had been preparing herself for this possibility since her last phone call with her husband. She glanced at Taylor, and said with controlled venom, "You need to get dressed, and leave. Now." Taylor turned quickly, and ran up the stairs.

Roman started to speak, "Doc—"

"—don't even try to lie to me Roman. Don't lie to me," she said. "I came to pick up a few things, and I was hoping to ask you some questions. It seems that most of the questions I have were just answered." She stared at him for a moment, and continued softly, "You know what I went through when Don cheated on me with Liz. You know, Roman. I never thought...I honestly never thought that you would do the same thing."

Marlena watched as Roman struggled to find words that could explain away what she had walked in on. Finally, when he didn't speak, Marlena said, "For two months, I have called, and left repeated messages. Not just at home, but at your work too—"

"I've been really busy at work, Doc..." he started lamely.

"Have you?" she asked him, feeling snarky. "Do you always bring work home with you, Roman?"

"You ran off to another country with your ex-husband! What did you expect me to do?" Roman yelled at her.

"Wait for me? Talk to me? John is my friend. You know that. I did not run away with him! He needed me. His wife needed me, and I was there for them...and this," she said waving her hand towards his half-dressed state, "was taking place before I left for Italy. You were shutting me out for months before I left."

"No it wasn't, Doc. This thing with didn't start until—"

Marlena had lost her patience, "DON'T LIE TO ME, Roman Brady! I want the truth! How long has this been going on?"

Roman's eyes darted over to where Taylor McCall stood at the bottom of the stairs, and then back to Marlena, he said, "I told you, only since you've—"

Marlena cut him off with one look, and turned to Taylor. "How long?" Marlena demanded. When Taylor didn't answer either, Marlena said, "It's okay. I already know the answer. At least seven months right? Because I have an eight year old little girl having panic attacks because she saw you!"

Roman's demeanor became instantly defensive, "Sami's confused. She thought she saw something—"

Marlena looked at Taylor, and said in a low voice, "Get out. Now." The woman scurried out the front door, and Marlena and Roman were left alone.

Marlena stared at her husband for a moment, "You broke your marriage vows to me months ago. You lied to me. You forced our daughter to lie to me, and you threatened her in the process. Since you came back...after all that time with Stefano, you are not the same. You aren't the same man I married." Marlena turned to walk up the stairs, but stopped. Turning back to Roman, she said, "I brought the children back with me from Colorado, Roman, but we won't be staying here. I just came to talk to you, and grab some of my things. I—I think it's best that you not see them for awhile."

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