"Forbidden touches"

Start from the beginning

The other two men do as they're told, grabbing bags and throwing them over their shoulders, all of them lining at the door to finally leave the house.

The warm July air hit them like a wall of fire, all of them having to halt for a second to adjust to the heat surrounding them.

"Are you sure this was a good idea? It's so hot." Dream asks the others, mainly directing his question to Sapnap, who had brought up the idea of a picnic in the park.

"Oh come on, don't be a pussy, we have food and water with us, we'll be fine. We can just lay somewhere in the shade" the questioned man responded, pointing to the bag he was carrying which was stacked with plenty of water bottles. 

"He's right," Karl joins in, "also if it gets too hot we can just leave again. It's not like we need three hours back"

Dream nods, walking closer to George and his son, pressing little kisses to both their faces before smiling dumbly at the brunet and holding his hand out for him to take.

George observes the long, lanky fingers right by his and lets his own glide over the soft skin for just a second before pulling back slightly. He turned around to the other two men, who had obviously been watching them but turned their heads when George looked at them.

The brunet rolls his eyes and lets out a small scofflike laugh before turning back around and intertwining his hand with the blond's much bigger one, walking down the hot pavement of their Florida neighbourhood.

Slowly they follow the street's flow before turning right, into the park. Unlike the last time they walked through here they didn't stay on the designated path leading to several playgrounds and small ponds, they swayed off it and up a small hill, their goal being a big patch of shade, created by a tree on top of the hill, just next to a small wooden bench.

Dream was surprised about how empty the park was. Usually on a nice day, the place would be buzzing with people. Parents bringing their kids to get them out of the house, young couples making out in the hidden spaces by the tree, lonesome people finding the perfect spot to read and drink their overpriced Starbucks beverages.

But not today. Today the space was completely void of anyone. The reason for this probably being the staggering heat that was still dehydrating them as they made their way up the hill not protected by any shade whatsoever.

After just a few minutes of strolling over the dry grass they finally reached the top and were able to relax in the shade a bit, before taking the big picnic blanket out of one of the bags and placing it in the middle of the shadow patch.

George loosened the carrier from his waist, carrying a baby strapped to your chest up a hill was exhausting enough but doing it in this type of weather was another kind of difficult.

He pulled Daniel from the fabric and sat him down on the blanket, the baby flapping his arms and legs at the newfound freedom. He seemed to enjoy himself while the adults around pulled out some of the water bottles, trying to cool themselves down.

The shade was giving them a nice enough chance to do so Dream thought, the difference in temperature between the shade and the sun must have been at least ten degrees.

Once all the bags have been loosened from their sweaty shoulders and hands, they sit down on the blanket as well, enjoying a few moments of peace and quiet to calm their breath before the baby got bored and decided to crawl all over them, laughing and patting them until they finally paid attention to him.

The excitement over his leisure turned into frustration quickly, his mind obviously realising the now worsening discomfort of being hungry, which Dream, in great parently fashion, immediately understands, sighing and sitting up, pulling the bag of food from the ground.

Grow up, grow old, but let's do it together (Dnf Kidfic) Where stories live. Discover now