Chapter 31 - there's cake?!

Start from the beginning

After Rosie reluctantly agreed, she settled on one of the sofas with a bowl of Coco Pops. Ever since she came to live with us, we seem to go through at least 3 boxes of cereal a week. Rosie will eat it anywhere and anytime. One time, Keira heard a noise downstairs in the middle of the night and decided to check it out, only to find Rosie sitting in the dark with a bowl of Rice Krispies. If only we knew what she was thinking during those sleepless nights. I knew she had trouble sleeping, but I didn't know how bad it was until we were in the same room as her in the hospital. I dread to think when the last time she had a full nights sleep was. Actually, I do know. It was the night I picked her up from her house in Sunderland and took her to the hotel the team were staying at. That was over 6 months ago. And she only slept through the night because I was with her all the time. Me and Keira offered for her to come into our bed, or for us to go into hers, but she declined. 

Eventually, me and Keira were finally getting somewhere with the preparations for the BBQ when the doorbell rang. We were both extremely busy with drinks and snacks so I asked Rosie to answer it, "can you go get that please?". She stared at me for a while before replying, "do I have to?". A little confused as to why she answered back, I said confidently, "yes. Now, please". She sighed loudly and disappeared round the corner. I jokingly said to Keira, "seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning". She giggled but it was caught short by Rosie shouting down the hallway, "I heard that!" This only made us laugh even more, but we kept it quiet so we didn't piss Rosie off even more. 

Rosie appeared back in the kitchen/living area with some people. But I didn't even have to look up to see who it was because one of them shouted enthusiastically, "guess who's here bitches!?". I couldn't help but laugh at Ella, as her, Georgia, Alessia and Mary strode over to where me and Keira were. We gave each of them a quick hug and I questioned them, "not to be rude or anything, but why are you here 2 hours early?". They glanced at eachother before Mary spoke up, "I thought it started at 11...". Keira rolled her eyes and laughed lightly, " starts at 1". Georgia shrugged her shoulders and exclaimed, "that's fine! We can have some pre drinks before the real party starts this afternoon!". I glared at her and she held her hands up defensively, "okay okay, I'm only joking" She turned to Rosie, winked mischeviously and continued, "or am I?". Rosie smiled and told her, "G, I wasn't even allowed to have a coffee this morning so I don't think i'll be allowed alcohol". Alessia looked shocked and turned to us, "no coffee?". Keira answered, "err no. She's just had her stomach pumped. If she has anything like that, it'll just make her sick again". Alessia looked at us, then at the rest of the group and said, "ohhh, I forgot about that". Georgia then started to jokingly interrogated her on how she could forget such a big thing, so I went back to what I was doing before they arrived - the most interesting task of cutting the cucumber. 

A little while later, everyone else arrived. Alex, Ellie, Lauren, Millie, Rachel, Steph, Ellen and Demi. Unsurprisingly, the last person to arrive was Jill. She entered the garden where we were all sitting and shouted, "the party has arrived". I rolled my eyes and we all laughed at her. If anyone could put a real smile on Rosie's face, it would be Jill. I was feeling more optimistic about today than I was last night. The weather was absolutely perfect, sunny and very warm so most people had sunglasses on. Rosie asked Ellie, "your sunglasses are so nice, how much were they?". Ellie thought about it for a bit before answering, "thanks...I think they were maybe £560. I don't know for certain though". Rosie immediately turned to me, as if she was silently asking me to buy them for her but I shook my head and mouthed towards her, "no way". She frowned and then turned to Keira who just smiled at her. I jokingly said to Keira, "you were supposed to say no, not give her hope that we're actually going to buy them for her". She laughed and shrugged her shoulders, "I might buy them for her...". Rosie's eyes lit up when she heard this but was soon distracted by another conversation happening. 

You can't be my mum (a Lucy Bronze fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now