~The Black Clouds Gather~

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Shinso's POV

"Alright, as you all know that Ayoama has left the school, we will now have a newbie coming into our class. Please make him feel welcomed or whatever. You will be free for today's homeroom class. In the meantime, just introduce yourself or something, and DONT make any noise. You will have training an hour after lunch, so prepare yourselves for that too." stated Aizawa Sensei. He walked into a yellow sleeping bag and zipped himself up into it, falling asleep instantly.

Sometimes I wonder how people can fall asleep so fast.

Out of no where, the pink alien girl pops in front of me. The kirishima dude and Kaminari stand beside me, while Midoriya stands up from his seat, making his way towards me. Everyone around me starts talking, and starts asking an unholy amount of questions.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU ALL EXTRAS ARE BEING WAY TOO LOUD TODAY!" screamed some dude behind me. When I looked back, I saw the blonde spiky-haired kid who completely ignored my existence earlier . I immediately realised who it was.
It was Bakugou Katsuki. How could I have not recognised him at first?! After all, he's UA's hot-headed villian-like wannabe hero. In other words, a complete asshole.

I've always hated him. He reminded me of the kids back in middle school who bullied me for my quirk. Whenever I see him, it just makes my blood boil. I don't know why, but sometimes I want to smack the shit out of him and make his self-absorbed ass understand not everything's about him.
Though some part of me feels a bit bad because I dont really know him very well, and it would wrong to judge a book bye its cover. But by seeing how he treats his friends, it's safe to say he really is the self-centered asshole as everyone makes him out to be.

"A-ah! Sorry Kacchan. We'll keep it down from now on." Midoriya said as he waved his hands infront of his chest, assuring bakugou that he was telling the truth.

"How about you mind your own business. Don't act like you own the damn place, going around telling people to shut up." I spat out.

"What the fuck did you say to me?"


Andddd thats a wrap! Tell me what you guys think about this chapter. Sorry i didn't upload a chapter yesterday, been busy witn school. Have a nice day/night.

Your daily dose of bnha skits:

Shinso: You're so short.

Shinso bends down to bakugou's height.

Shinso: What do you even see down there?

Bakugou: Your IQ.

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