~Lunchtime Havoc~

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Bakugou's POV

The clock ticked slowly. Then it hit 12:30. The bell rang. I quickly jumped out of my seat and hung my bang over my shoulder.

"Make sure you complete the assigned homework by tomorrow!!" the long-haired weirdo with an unbearably loud voice shouted out to the extras as they got up from their seats.

I picked up my notebook and pencil case, shoving them into my bag. Shitty hair behind me tapped my shoulder as racoon eyes followed dunce face to the door. "Hungry? You seem more excited for lunch today then usual." asked kirishima while laughing lightly.

"Shut up kirishima. I just can't bare to be here in this hellhole any longer."

"Sounds about right. Come on, let's go then!"

I walked to the cafeteria as shitty hair talked to dunce face in front of me. We came to our usual seat, only to find HIM.

"What the fuck are you doing here you goddamn asshole?!" I barked out. He already ruined my morning today. And there's no way in hell he's gonna ruin any more of my day as well.

"Eating lunch, what else?" replied mind fuck.

At this point, I had enough. I wanted to go and find another seat, but I can't. I have to assert my dominance. I need to assert my dominance. If I give in, I'll be seen as a weakling.


That fucking eyebags rolled his eyes. "I'd like to see you try"

At this point my face was red and fuming with anger. I can't deal with this shit anymore. I took a sharp turn, and started quickly stomping out the cafeteria, slamming the door shut as I left.

3rd person's POV

"What's up with him today?" Mina asked, rather confused.

"He's probably just pissed because of the newbie. I've noticed he's been getting on his nerves a lot." a human pikachu suggested, tad bit worried for his dear friend.

"...Bakubro..." Kirishima whispered, eyebrows positioned to display visible concern on his face, as he watched the blond angrily walk out the cafeteria.

Late night snack (shinbaku) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora