chapter 5

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I get up real quick

"I'm so tired from all the events today. I think I should go to bed right now" I said goodnight to them and Walked so quick to our room.

Khadi followed me right away.

"Hanan are you okay?" She asked.

"I will like to be alone right now please, can I have that?"

She didn't say anything. She went straight to bed and that's I turned my head unto the pillow. I started crying. I was in so much pain no amount of words could be able to explain that pain.

I love sadeeq dearly with every single cell of my body. I love him for who he was, I love him for who I was when I'm with him. I love every single about him. I for once never imagined a life with someone else. I blame myself for this, for allowing him to slip away from me.

I couldn't sleep at all. I cried as much as I can.

I never wake up with such a heavy heart. I didn't even want to step out of bed. But I have to.

And that's how my days went. I was so heartbroken but I didn't even get any update. But one thing I'm so sure about is sadeeq love asma'u so much, but I love sadeeq so much. I think there's nothing that more than loving someone who is inlove with someone else.

The days seems endless, I don't know what to do? Who to talk to? It seems like nobody is seeing the pain In me. But that wasn't enough.


I was sweeping the living room when dad came back. I collected the things he got to the kitchen.

"Today we asked for the girl's hand in marriage. Alhamdulillah everything went so well, her family has no hesitation. The only thing left now is to fix the wedding date"

My dad's word shattered me. Those word are too heavy for me to believe.

"Masha Allah. Congratulations to Sadiq " mama replied.

I dropped the broom right away and leave the place.

I was crying so hard.

"Hanan, Hanan, Hanan" mom called.

"Where are you? Come and finish this up ”

I can hear her. But I don't have the strength to get up. I don't have the courage to reply, not the courage to hide this pain anymore.

"Can't you hear mom is calling you?" Khadi said as she get into the room

"Are you even listening?"
"Ya Hanan I'm talking to you"

She moved closer to me tapping of my shoulder.

"Why are you crying?"

I couldn't say a single world I just hugged her and continue crying.

Mom kept calling me and Khadija and none of us responded. After a long moment of silence I said.

"Sadiq is getting married to asma. Khadi he is getting married to someone not me? How can I live without him?"

"How can you live without him?" mama puzzled


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