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Anastasia's POV

"Don't go." Atlas mumbles, as he pulls me closer by the waist, and nuzzles his head in my shoulder.

I smile, and nod. "I won't."

"Good, now shut up." He mumbles, and closes his eyes.

I stare at his face, studying it. His sharp jaw, his cheekbones, his fluffy, messy, dark hair. His long lashes, his green eyes.

He's perfect.

My eyes go to his veiny arm, around my waist, and I look at his tattoos.

I find a snake, on his forearm. I trace it with my fingers, and i feel him staring at me, so I look at him.

He smiles at me. "You like it?"

I nod. "Why did you get a snake? I think its very nice."

"My grandfather had the same one. After he died, I got it too." He says.

I nod, and kiss his cheek. Then my eyes go to three small dragons a little below his neck, and I ask him the same question.

"Because I like dragons." He answers.

I find a few butterflies behind his ear, and he answers. "Because butterflies are pretty."

I sit up infront of him, and so does he. I watch as he leans his head against the head board, giving me a clear view of his chest.

I point at the skeleton, playing the guitar on his other arm. "I found one of these when I was a kid, and couldn't stop thinking about it for days."

A rose on his hand. "Because my mother loves roses."

A skeleton head, with snakes coming put of it on his chest. "Because my dad told me to get it."

A quote 'I live with the scars I chose.' "Because you are the one who chose the pain and mistakes that you decided to keep."

Angel wings, with a halo on top of it. "For my grandfather."

A spider on the  middle of his chest."It was random."

'Dont stop.' He smirks, and I realise what it means.

"Why that?" I ask. He shrugs. "I was drunk, and I lost a bet, so Oliver forced me to get two tattoos of his choice."

"What was the bet on?" I ask. "That I would crash a car. I was drunk so I thought I wouldn't crash it. Turns out, I did crash it."

I laugh. "What was the second tattoo?"

He smirks and tugs his sweatpants down to his v line. I blush, but my eyes widen as I see a penguin. showing the middle finger.

I laugh. "I cant believe he made you get that."

"I know." He mutters, pulling me on his lap.

"I'm not finished! You have tons more tattoos." I say, pouting.

He smiles. "Thats for another day then."

"I want tattoos." I say.

"Yeah?" He says.

I nod. "Well you should get one." He says.

"What can I get?" I ask, frowning.

"Anything. It can be meaningful, or just for fun." He says.

I frown. "What about something for my mom?"

He nods. "Okay."

"Will you take me?" I ask, and he nods. "I can take you tonight? I have a test in a few hours."

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