you're OUT!

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Ever since he had gotten his quirk, Bakugou Katsuki had been constantly praised. Praised for his quirk and its heroic potential. Explosion is the quirk of a future top hero, he was always told. He was above all the other kids and their subpar quirks. Katsuki was the protagonist and everyone else around him were extras.

Then, there was Deku.

Weak, quirkless Deku. Always crying and getting in his way, trying to pretend like he was a hero. Deku was obviously looking down at him all the time by even thinking he could be a hero. Without a doubt, only Katsuki had the makings of being a future top hero out of all the extras in his school because of his quirk, and Deku thinking that he had even the tiniest chance of becoming a hero without a quirk was insulting did that mean he was only worth the quirk he was born with.

So, he had put him in his place, time and time again. None of the teachers had a problem with it, so he must have been right to do it!

Then the old hag found out what he was doing from Auntie Inko and had a bitch fit, talking about how his actions were horrible and he was being discriminatory-about how heroes didn't beat up people weaker than them because only villains did that.

Katsuki wasn't some scum villain, therefore, he stopped and started to ignore Deku, but he just wouldn't leave him alone. Always muttering about quirks in class, stepping in front of weak extras getting beat up by the extras who followed him around, following him to the park and having the nerve to even think he could hang out with him. Therefore, it wasn't long before he snapped and put him in his place again.

Again, no one stopped him and the hag never said anything after the last time, so he assumed that she didn't know.

Now, sitting in his dream school, in front of the principal and with his homeroom teacher beside him with expulsion papers in hand, he wished that she had found out sooner.

"So, your answer?" Nezu asked again. Katsuki fidgeted, wishing he knew what to say. But he figured since he was found out, he might as well own up to it and hope he didn't get blacklisted from other hero schools after he was expelled.

"It ain't no one else's fault but mine," Katsuki spoke gruffly while folding his arms. He refused to meet anyone's eyes, looking off to the side. It was true, he knew what he was doing to Deku was wrong, but he couldn't help it-something about Deku just set him off. Made Katsuki think that he was weak and anything that made him feel weak needed to be gone or stay away from him. "I knew the teachers still wouldn't do shit to stop me even after the old hag said anything to me."

He could see the hag clenching the arm of the chair so hard that her knuckles turned white and looked to the ground, wondering what his future was going to look like now that his hero career was practically over.

"Well, if that's the case, Aldera also needs to face disciplinary actions!" The rat chirped, clapping his hands together and then holding them out for something? As if he just didn't threaten Katsuki's old school in front of him. Hobo teacher picked up the expulsion papers and placed them on the rat's outstretched paw. Katsuki's jaw clenched up as he watched the rat fill in the form with a flourish. The hag took one of the forms the rat placed in front of them and grabbed a pen-from one of the cups meant for public use-to sign the paper she was given.

Katsuki curled his fists up involuntarily as he watched his dream get signed away by his own mother. Perhaps he deserved it, but thinking that UA chose Deku over him made him sick to his stomach.

Accidentally making eye contact with the rat had his blood freezing. The look in the animal's eye chilled Katsuki to the core because he felt like the rat stopped showing human emotion for a split second, letting his animalistic instincts come through. Then the rat was back to smiling and sipping his tea like nothing happened. The hag handed the papers back to the rat.

"Let's hope your future endeavors will lead you onto the correct path, right, Young Bakugou?"

Katsuki nodded numbly, standing up and following his parents out of the door, his hobo teacher his former homeroom teacher following after him.

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