strike three

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Izuku felt distressed, despondent, and guilty for all of 36 hours after Aizawa-sensei left him with a thought provoking sentence ("Oh yeah, you won't have to deal with Bakugou Katsuki in the future."). He was glad he had the whole weekend to reflect because he woke up on the third day of school feeling an emotion that he hadn't been aware of in a while, rage. Rage that felt like it had been simmering for over a decade.

He blinked, being sensitive to emotions that he was never normally allowed to express, and feeling very muddled. The anger sat in his chest building up and up, clawing at his skin to finally be set free from the minuscule cage that it once was locked in and eager to let itself be known.

What was he angry at? He didn't know! Well, he did know, but it had been a while since he had last let himself actually be angry, when he had realized that his teachers wouldn't lift a finger to do anything to stop his bullies, even actively participating. Therefore, he ended up having to learn to restrain his anger and other abnormalities. He guessed that Aizawa-sensei straight up Texas Smashing that mold broke the dam that had been holding his resentment back.

However, the fact that after being exposed to Bakugou's anger and abuse for over a decade, he might actually get punished? The fact that it took him having a quirk to get that experience? (Although Aizawa-sensei knew about his previous quirklessness, he couldn't help but feel that way.)

The fact that all of this could have been prevented if his old teachers actually cared about the well-being of their students and not some pipe dream that one of their alumni would become famous and recognize them to bring them profit?

It was absolutely rage inducing.

One part of Izuku hoped that UA would expel Bakugou, so he didn't have to deal with him in school at all. However, another part of him realizes, contemptuously, the fact that without heroism as a crutch, Bakugou would turn out to be a villain.

So, yeah, the realistic course of action was-

"He's getting expelled." Aizawa deadpanned to Izuku, who deflated like a balloon. Honestly, this wasn't what he was expecting at all, even if Aizawa-sensei explained this to him before-this action was completely alien to him, teachers loved Bakugou and hated him, so if anything, he would've expected himself to be the one with his hero schooling on the line, not Kacchan, never Kacchan.

He is totally going to blame me for this, Izuku thought to himself worriedly.

"If the first thing he does is blame you, then he's not cut out for UA or to be a hero." Aizawa-sensei said curtly, which made Izuku flinch because there goes Aizawa-sensei, again, stating his deepest and darkest thoughts out-loud. It should've made him upset or even disappointed at this, but the way his shoulders slumped in relief gives him away. Good thing I have that back-up plan, just incase Kacchan, I mean Katsuki, ever went villain, Izuku mused. Because the first thing I can guarantee is that Katsuki is going to come after me.

"I have a meeting with the Bakugou's in 10 minutes, so go to your seat." Izuku quickly moved towards his desk, having come to school a whole 30 minutes before class started, beating out Iida by 15 minutes or so. Izuku rested his head on his desk, wondering how school would look now that Katsuki, whom he's been in the same class with since Pre-K, was removed from his school life. Would he actually have a chance to make friends with his classmates without being isolated?

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