The struggle to Albion

Start from the beginning

Don too felt afraid of the incoming British threat that seems to be invulnerable by any means they throw at them and so he too is hoping for Molova to defeat them

But, Don didnt want to sit idly by as his friend has a high chance of dying by British hands and now, he presents himself to the king for his report

Don: Your Majesty, Nodnol's defense construction has began, 40,000 men, 24,000 Monsters is the best i can gather. Some blasphemous acts such as demonic summoning may have been committed but it was for the sake of the kingdom's continuation

Adler: I see, with that many defenders. We can use this strength to push for negotiations if the British doesnt want a bloodbath

Adler thinks to himself, the initial infected population on Caedryd was 200,000 and hence a 200,000 intial undead, infecting neighboring villages towns and cities can increase the number of fighting force that could equate to half a million if majority of Cymru were to be infected

Although, if the undead of Molova is not able to drive out the invading force, the kingdom can be doomed. They have been able to breakthrough the army of monsters at such fast pace and if that keeps up, Nodnol can fall next month or two

But it can still inflict a large wound on them and if they want to continue a struggling fight, the British King will lose popularity for throwing men lives away like they were scraps of his plate against Nodnol's 60,000+ defenders and 200,000 undead of Molova

Don: Your Majesty, if i may. Let me command 10,000 men and monsters with the Fire Dragon to fight Britains alongside Molova's undead legion

Adler: No! Absolutely not! That Fire Dragon is the symbol of my authority! For it to be used on the battlefield against the British would mean humiliation

Adler knew that keeping the Fire Dragon on the capital is a large symbol of propaganda, to keep the population under control if they dont want to be engulfed in flames. He would rather use it when the British are on the doorstep of Nodnol than to be used far away where giving hidden rebels a chance to topple the government

He had to think his strategy through and he decided to make the sacrifice of using every single alternative before unleashing his Fire Dragon

Don: I see...then, i will fortify more regions of Nodnol

British Brigade

On the road to Nodnol, Cromwell tank commander Roy and a pair of Crusader Tanks are moving through the road and escorting Motorized Infantry on trucks and Bren Gun Carriers

Roy felt something was off, travelling for almost 15km yet no enemy resistance felt strange even on obvious ambush position

He felt as if the land was a empty husk. Soon, he sees something kilometers away, taking out his binoculars to get a better look and there he sees a large horde of enemies in a formation. He grab his radio and informs of his findings

Roy: We got some bollocks advancing towards us head on. Stop the convoy and get ready to engage the enemy

The Cromwell and Crusaders break formation and going their own ways for a optimal firing position while the trucks stops and infantry dismounts out of their vehicle and gets into a firing formation with the Bren taking its aim

The Bren Gun Carrier blocks the main road. A company level force with the assistance of Cruiser Tanks for extra firepower and tactical mobility and with an additional Mortar Detachment for faster indirect fire support

The tanks took overwatch position, using the hill as a cover and have a vantage point where they can see what it seems to be more than 10,000 figures approaching them

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