Chapter 2

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Lisa arrives at her office in YGX and immediately goes to work with all the pending paperworks. By four pm she already is done with all of it. She then calls Leejung Lee, her trusted right hand and COO of YGX. "You wanted to see me unnie?" Lee Jung asked. "Yes, I want you to take over the office for a few months, I'll be flying to China today to be a mentor for Youth with You, you know what to do right?" Lisa asked. "Of course! You taught me well hahaha!" Leejung answered. "Yah stop that! Just like you I'm still not an expert on this, thank God my dad helped me big time with running a company. Anyways, I'll go home now to pack my clothes, my flight is tomorrow. "Okay, good luck unnie! Don't worry, I'll take care of this, I'll call you if I have questions." Leejung answered while waving at Lisa who was already at the door. Lisa waved back and went home. She lives on her own now, actually all of them live separately now but still within UN Village so they won't miss each other that much.

While driving, Lisa kept thinking about the proposal, "Hmm, if I was to help acquire a small company, what would it be?" Lisa asked herself. "Hmmm, I have no idea, I'll have the unnies take care of that." Lisa thought as she went home. As soon as she's home, the L family greeted her immediately. "My babies!" Lisa greeted them with kisses and then proceeded to feed them, "I'll be leaving you to the pet hotel alright? Mama's gonna be leaving for work in China, I'll be away for a while so y'all better behave." Lisa said to her pets as if they're actual children, she then went to her room to start packing her things. After about an hour, she went to the restaurant where she'll meet with her unnies before going to China.

"I'm almost there unnie, yes, yes, I already packed everything I need, yes unnie." Lisa said as she replied to Jennie's question about her trip. "It may take a few months at least, let's just hope that the rising pandemic in China will subside, yes I already have my vitamins don't worry" she added.

"You better come back healthy Lalisa" Jennie replied. "And while you're there, try to socialize, meet or get to know your coworkers or even the trainees there, okay?"

"Yes unnie"


"I've arrived unnie, I'll just park my car."

"Okay, we're on our usual seats."


Lisa then proceeded to meet with her unnies to catch up, talk about the business and was basically reminded to always take care of herself when in China.

"Did you bring your masks?"

"Yes, Jisoo unnie"

"How about your vitamins, did you bring them?"

"Yes, Jennie unnie"

"How about your first aid kit?"

"I have it already in my bag Chong-ah"

"How about yo--"

"Yes, I already bought them with me, especially when you made a list for me, don't worry unnies, Chong-ah, I'll be fine, I can take care of myself" Lisa said to her unnies.

"Yah, we're just worried everytime you go overseas, we know your tendency to overwork yourself and be a perfectionist, remember to always take a rest, okay?" Jennie replied.

"I know unnie, I'm sorry for making you worried, I promise to always take care of myself and not overwork." Lisa replied as she held out her pinky for a pinky promise.

After her meeting with her unnies, Lisa then went to the airport to catch her flight. 2 hours later, she arrived in China, was welcomed by her fans and proceeded to her hotel. As she arrived, she took a quick shower to get rid of the ickiness and then went to bed. "Welp, tomorrow I'll be Mentor Lisa for god knows how many girls for a few months. Hopefully I'll be able to share with them my knowledge about being an idol both the good and the bad, my dancing, especially my dancing." Lisa thought as she went to sleep.

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