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Naina POV:

"Who let the dogs out ? Who.. Who.. Who...

Who let the dogs out ? Who.. Who.. Who..."

The song blasted in my room, making me wake up with a startled. I extended my hand to stop that annoying sound of my alarm. Well, this is not something new, it happens daily. I by right should have been born in USA instead of India as I could not accustomed myself to India's timing despite of being born and lived my entire 24 years in India. I will be wide awake for most of the night and will be sleep walking throughout the day.

OH my bad, I have forgot to introduce myself, I am Naina Mishra. I am 24 years old, working as an Interior designer in Khanna Construction. My mother is my only family as my father passed away when I was 15 years old due to cancer, since then it was only mom and me. Dad has already arranged everything for us when he came to aware about his sickness hence the life after him passed away was not much of struggle for me and mom at least financially. Financially we are stable, and we do have our very own house without any bank debt and believe me it's a big relief for a middle-class family like ours. My mom is working as a teacher in a primary school, she is the sweetest lady anyone can come across and she consider me as her whole world. I love her the most in the world and can do anything for her happiness.

I woke up to get ready as I am getting late to work. I quickly refreshed myself and get dressed and left to work, not before having a quick breakfast which mom has prepared, she is an amazing cook, and I can never miss the food that she prepared with lots of love. I have my very own car which I bought with my savings of my salary in the initial two years of my working life. After 45 minutes of journey including stuck in traffic jam as it is peak hours, I finally reach office exactly at 8.52am, my works starts at 9am, hence I am still on time (saying proudly by raising my invisible color of my blouse :P) .

I am working in Khanna Construction for past 3 years since my graduation. I have wonderful colleagues and an amazing Boss. My MD Mr. Pradeep Khanna is an amazing person, he always treats me as his own daughter. Well, I know him personally even before joining this organization, I met him six years ago in the park that I always go to clear my mind or relax and since then there is this special bond between us. I consider him as my closet friend with whom I can share anything, he is like a father figure in my life. Because of that don't mistake me that I join via his recommendation in this organization, not at all. I got selected in campus interview and he is totally unaware of me being selected for his company until I share the happy news with him when we met in the park. He was so much delighted when I broke the news to him. At office during working hours, we do maintain the workplace decorum of employer-employee, but we do meet up always during lunch hours and after office hours. Mom always pack lunch for both of us as Pradeep Uncle (that is how I address Mr. Pradeep in off working hours) likes mom's cooking as well. From what I got to know from Pradeep Uncle his wife passed away 23 years ago, and his only son is currently settled in abroad, hence he is totally alone, this is one of the main reasons why he likes to spend time with me. Maybe not anymore as his son is going to come back soon to take over the company.

Pradeep Uncle is one of the main reasons why I am still sane, he knows everything about my past, I can share everything with him without being afraid of getting judged. I could not share certain things with Mom as she will get worried or sad but with Uncle, I can share anything, he will listen to all my blabbering and share his inputs as well whenever he feels it's needed. We discuss almost everything from gossips, economics, politics, crush to heartbreak. Uncle does always visit my home, so Mom knows uncle well too, they do share siblings' bond between them. He does share a lot about his wife and son aka Mr. Veer Khanna which coincidently will always remind me of that certain someone who is buried deep in my soul, someone who I could never forget yet someone who I never want to meet again ever in my life, the certain someone who owns my heart yet crushed it into pieces without his own knowledge. Indeed, your guess is right, it's my first ever heartbreak.

So now it's time to share about my sad and not so interesting love story. I am a girl who always believe in love, my parents love each other a lot and they do not hesitate to show it Infront of me. The sudden departure of dad did create a big ruckus in my life, I started to miss the protectiveness and love that I always got from him, he was my strength and my best friend. It is true that I love Mom a lot but my relationship with Dad was something very special and different. He was my best friend, and I never had or needed any other best friends to share my feelings and thoughts apart from him. I felt like a totally lost soul after he left us. I hated the pity look people always directed to me as I am a fatherless child, also this caused me being the target of the bullies in the school as I don't have any man behind me to backup myself or any close friends to share my feelings with. This is when I meet Jai Sir, he was my tutor at my tuition where I go for chemistry tuition. Since I said he is my tutor, do not think that he is some middle-aged guy, Jai Sir was only 6 years older than me. He was studying in the Engineering college that time and as a part time he was working as tutor in the tuition center. It was all normal in the start until one day when I was leaving from tuition around eight at night, I was being cornered by some of the bad boys in the street and Jai Sir who happened to pass by the same valley helped me by chasing the boys and offered to drop me in his car at my house which is few streets away. Since then, he drops me at my home after tuition ends as it is on his way back to his home. We happen to discuss many things during this car ride, and he share some insightful thoughts when I share some of my problems with him, he also helped me by offering some of his notes for other subjects apart from chemistry since both of us are from science stream. I started to feel safe and free with him, with him I was able to be my old self. Blame my age or hormones I started to nurture some feelings for him. The feelings which I was finally had courage to confess after two years only for it to get rejected and not only that he also declared his love for this collegemate to me, as well as with giving some colorful terms for my feelings such as infatuation, immature hormonal crush, just an affection and so and so. Just that what he is not aware is that what he called as infatuation or crush is LOVE for me and I am a strong believer that love only happens once in life, my parents was/is a living example for that. I loved him and still love him with everything in me but then I decided that I will not disturb him anymore. It will be shameful for me to chase after him as he is already in love with someone else. I died thousand deaths that time, but I could not bring up any courage to show that Infront of him, with a final goodbye I left from his live forever and terminate from that tuition center as well. I could not show anything Infront of mom, even when she found the changes in my behavior and tried to talk with me few times, I could not bother her with this. Only my pillow was aware of the amounts of tears that I shed. This is when I start to go to the nearby park in my local to find some solace and it is where I met Pradeep Uncle for the first time. We happen to share same bench and start with some simple pleasantries which soon after changed into long conversation. I badly needed someone to share my feelings and I found the person whom I could trust in Pradeep Uncle. He became a father figure in my life. Uncle knows almost everything happened in my life including about the heartbreak, just that I never share the details about Jai Sir with him. Soon my life took a big turn with me fully focusing on my studies and career up till where I am now. Incase if you are wondering if I still have feeling for Jai Sir, then it is a big YES. My poor heart only learned to love him, and it still could not figure out how to fall out from that love. Jai Sir was a gentleman, and he has helped me on many occasions, how I could ever unlove a person like him just because he does not reciprocate my feelings. There is no rule if we love someone then that person need to love us back, for me my love is enough. Call me crazy of whatsoever, I loved him then, I love him now and I will keep on loving him forever even if he is not meant to be mine. Uncle always mention that Jai Sir is unlucky as he missed someone like me, but I know he will not say the same if he knows Jai Sir personally, Jai Sir deserve someone far better than me. Uncle even tried to introduce his son to me for few times as he wants to officially make me his daughter aka daughter in law which I always politely reject. My heart is only meant to love one person as long as it beats. 


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