Silver Ribbon

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You finally made it out of the building, the huge structure like a maze to the likes of you, who of which had no particular knowledge of the building whatsoever. You opened the door and skittered down the paths and winding sidewalks and around corners and weaving through the streets until at last you met the point of your meeting place. You bounced up the path to see your friend.

"Ah! Apologies, Irene! I got caught up, and didn't make it out of the house," you mumbled.

Irene simply smiled and gave a worried glance. "It's okay. I was concerned for you, because I phoned your mom to ask where you were, and she said you hadn't been home all night yesterday," she said with an assertive flick with her eyebrows.

Damn it. Your mom. You must have been unconscious at the headquarters for an overnight period of expanse, and your mom would be frantic you weren't home at the time. You'd have to get home soon, limiting your short amount of hang out time.

Irene shrugged. "Ah, it's fine. You need to get home." She used her long arms to shrug your along the path again. "Then your mother won't be cross or upset."

You nodded. She was right... Like always, and you needed to get home as quickly as possible. You waved briefly before dashing the long distance home, where your mother awaited you with a furious glare as you stepped through the door.

She was going to kill you.

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