xv. Homecoming

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"Lady Leila, there is someone here to see you

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"Lady Leila, there is someone here to see you." One of the palace servants had politely knocked on the door before poking her head in.

"Me?" Leila was confused.

"Yes, you," the servant beckoned for Leila to follow, and she nodded before walking after the servant hesitantly.

"My name's Teresa, by the way," the servant called over her shoulder.

"Nice to meet you, Teresa," Leila responded. She felt like she had seen her before, perhaps in the hallways or serving dinner.

They headed towards the throne room, but right before the entered the beautiful hall, Teresa turned into an alcove. She pulled an enchanted torch out from a sconce, and the gilded wall slid to the side.

Leila blinked to adjust her eyes as she followed the other woman down a dark tunnel, the wall closing behind them. Teresa held out the torch to light the way as they trudged further into the darkness.

After what seemed like miles of walking, Leila began to see sunlight from an opening in a tunnel in front of her. Teresa led her out onto a large rocky ledge overlooking a beautiful forest. She turned, climbing up stairs set into the stone. They walked down a path that led into a forest of towering evergreens.

They happened upon a small house of cobblestones and wood. There were several other houses scattered in the woods, forming a small village. Beside the house was a garden, full of plants and herbs.

A woman was tending to the garden, dressed in asgardian robes.

"Aemma, I have brought her." Teresa said, stepping closer.

The woman, Aemma, stood up and turned to face Leila and Teresa. She had shoulder-length black hair and striking blue eyes. She didn't look older than fifty, but as an asgardian she could've been thousands of years old.

Aemma clasped her hands over her heart, tears forming in her eyes.

"I knew you would come back to me someday," she cried.

Leila took a step closer, eyes flitting over the familiarity in her face. "Mom...?" And she rushed forward, wrapping Leila in a bone-crushing hug.

"My child," Aemma drew back, holding Leila's face in her hands, "oh, how beautiful you are!" She was smiling, tears running down her face.

"How... who..." Leila sputtered.

"Come on inside, dear."

Teresa waved goodbye and walked off to another one of the houses. Aemma led Leila inside, seating her at a small table and setting a cup of tea down in front of her. She sat across from her with her own mug in her hands.

Aemma took a deep breath. "To start from the beginning... I am a sorceress. As I'm sure you've noticed, some of my abilities have been passed down to you. Years ago, I traveled the nine realms, using my skills and my position as a royal sorcerer to assist those in need. Eventually, I happened upon a city in Midgard. It was there that I met your father. Jamie.

"He was an electrician. Smartest man I've ever met. We actually met when we ran into eachother on the sidewalk and I dropped my coffee all over myself. Jamie offered to take me out and buy me another. Of course, I said yes, and it was a quick courtship. We soon fell in love with each other.

"I stayed on Midgard for years with him. I had found true happiness. And then I learned I was pregnant. We were together, the three of us, for two years, until a terrible accident happened to your father at his work, and he passed.

"Not long after that Odin learned where I was. He was furious that I had left Asgard, that I had fallen in love with a mortal.

"He stormed our home. He took you away from me. I was taken to Asgard to await trial. I thought they would take you away, but Heimdall, bless him, he saved you. Found you a safe place to grow up.

"I was able to escape my prison, with the help of my fellow sorcerers, I have been staying out of Odin's sight ever since. While I cannot leave Asgard, I've been here, helping those who I can."

Leila took a deep breath, a little overwhelmed. While she wouldn't have traded her childhood and her life for anything, it filled her with a sense of calm to finally know what made her different all those years. To know why strange things happened around her. To know her mother.

"I... I really can't believe you're my mom." Leila smiled. "Thank you for telling me."

"Oh, my sweet girl. I am so happy to have you here." Aemma smiled brightly and held Leila's hands in her own. "Now, you tell me everything."


Thanks for reading!!

Sorry about the shorter chapter and sorry for inconsistent updates. Winter break is coming up so I'm hoping to be able to write some more!

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