The food in my mouth is suddenly bland and dry, but I force myself to swallow it and eat everything to the last crumb. I'm the next to leave. Kal grabs my arm, and before I can protest, I catch a glimpse of desperation in his eye.

He shakes his head. "Don't."

Of course, he knows I intend to comfort Mama and ask her what's wrong. It's always my first instinct. And after the old man and her have fought three times this week, I can't help but find myself responsible.

Tal can read a room and know when to not speak, but the confusion is apparent on his face. He chews slower in an attempt to cool the scathing atmosphere.

The old man notices my eyes locked on him, perhaps demanding an explanation. He gives me another one of those I'll-tell-you-when-you-get-older looks and heads to the sink to wash the dishes.

Only Kal seems to understand part of the situation, but he's still a kid. He'd always brag about doing 'adult' things and understanding 'adult' topics, but a pathetic four-year gap barely puts him at an advantage.

I tear my arm from Kal's hand and run up the stairs. He doesn't follow me.

"Mama?" I call softly.

I walk to her bedroom - separate from the old man's - and peek through the small door opening. She's sitting on her bed with her face buried in her hands. Only a dim lantern glows in the corner.

She somehow notices my presence and turns around. "Juniper?"

I push the door open and accompany her. "Mama. What's wrong?"

She strokes my hair. "Don't worry. Let Papa and I worry about it."

"But I hear you guys argue about me a lot," I say. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all," she comforts, putting on a smile. "It's just that we've been thinking a lot about you."



She pauses, studying my eyes thoroughly.

"Your father believes you possess something special," she continues. "And I see it too."

"What do you mean?"

Mama chuckles to herself. "You know, I might seem mean when you train with me, but you are a talented student. You pick up my teachings easily, but complain a lot."

"That's because using swords is more fun than using fists."

"I can agree with you on that."

"The world government sounds like scary people," I finally say. "Do you and Papa not like them?"

"They are responsible for everything you've been through." She takes my leg and lifts the leg warmer. "Including this."

"Really? Then, I hate them too!"

She flashes me another smile, but it doesn't make it past her lips. "You're too young to worry about all of that, Juniper."

"But Mama, you don't look like you enjoy worrying about all of it either."

"How perceptive," she comments.

I yawn.

"Are you sleepy?" She lifts me off my feet and carries me to my bedroom. "Let's sleep early tonight so you can rest up to train for tomorrow."

(POV: Juniper) - Present

I wake up in a cold sweat and shiver in the morning air. I struggled tremendously last night just to keep my Observation Haki alive - a struggle I haven't dealt with for years. Somewhere along the line, I must have deactivated it and fallen asleep.

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