Slowly taking his thumb back I popped it from my lips, "Delicious." He smiled, reaching down as our lips connected in a soft embrace. "I love you." I moved to get up until he pulled me back down, trapping me under his body without an escape. "What are you doing? We have to get ready."

Tom extended his neck, dipping down to suck on my breasts without hesitation. I gripped the back of his head, arching my front into his mouth even more. "As I said, I love you." Tom released my right nipple with a pop, "You're gonna love me even more after this." I squealed as Tom pulled me on top of him, effectively flipping us without warning.

Yet as he picked me up by my hips, plunging himself inside of me, I had to awareness of time. No worry, not even a smidge of caring about anything else but the man below me.
I didn't care that Flo was downstairs undoubtedly hearing everything. I didn't even mind my dress was piled on the floor, creating the wrinkles I had so tiredly ironed out.

The past drowned out. The time Tom had spent in jail, paying for what he had done to Chris. To anyone else, one year and five months might be nothing. A sliver in time that passes with ease. However, for me, it felt like every day was longer. Like the clock was scratching my skin with sandpaper, taunting me. I had just gotten him back yet lost him all in the same time.

Chris went to jail for eight years, including a heavy parole sentence afterward. I testified against him, as did his wife I had no idea about. She didn't blame me, which I was thankful for. Turns out he had married her to get a higher standing in his company, all the late nights he came home drunk was after leaving his shared home with her.

And with her having a very high stand in one of the most funded companies in New York, she was able to help Tom recover his reputation, as well as keep his job at the University. Of course with some major convincing towards Dean Fury.

Tom called every day while he was in jail, thankfully having no altercations with inmates. He actually became very liked, helping some of the inmates learn to read as well as starting an English class for the longer-sentenced prisoners. I was so proud of him for that, still am.

Tom and I decided to take our relationship slow, considering everything that happened with his ex-wife. Which I made sure was really his Ex this time. We talked, and even went to therapy when we got out. I knew I had gotten myself into something again, taking him back when he had cheated on me. And those wounds may never fully conceal, but they have healed.

I didn't move back in with Flo to our dorm, instead, I watched Tom's house while he was gone. Of course, taking care of Bobby as well. Flo even moved into the spare room down the hall to keep me company. We also talked..a lot.

I apologized, and she apologized. We really forgot what we had been fighting about, to begin with. Lizzie helped us communicate as well.

Aaron and I made up, which involved me having to tell him every single thing that had happened within those three months. From Chris' abuse to Tom going to jail, I came clean. He wasn't happy, to say the least, but he stood by my side and held my hand while I testified in court. I couldn't wish for a better older brother. He was even given a promotion at the University and thankfully broke up with his girlfriend. I don't have a problem with age gaps but I'm glad he made the right choice in this situation.

And now, as I'm standing before my graduating class, speaking a cliche speak that will only get mixed in everyone's memory within the next ten years. I feel nothing but pure pride watching Tom gaze over at me with such admiration. Flo smiled up at me from the crowd, as well as Lizzie, Tom, and Zendaya. The blonde jerk Evans even nodded as we made eye contact, no hard feelings were still there. I hid a grin as Professor Stan and Scarlett were holding hands, watching me and Flo graduate.

I said my final words, reflecting on every single moment from the day Tom saved me from being hit by a car, to the day he proposed to me on the same street corner, the honking from passing cars almost drowning out his every word.

Four years of memories, moments that made me want to give up, and time with the most amazing people I had ever met...I held onto my tassel, shifting it over to the other side as the students followed. "Place the tassel to the left of your cap to signify your graduation!"

Cheers, hoots, and hollers sounded throughout the stadium as we threw our caps in the air. Tom rushed up to me as our lips locked, him dipping our bodies with a final and loving ki-

"Viviana!!" The brunette groaned, her fingers stopping as they hovered over the keyboard. "What?!" Flo pushed through the door, coming over to her best friend's desk as she slammed her laptop shut, thankfully making her move her hands right in time. "We're gonna miss our flight." Vivianna stood, gesturing to her packed and ready bags. "I'm ready."

"Great, then get in the car because we're going to the college of our dreams babe!!" Her stern face turned into a smile as she let out a laugh. "You can write on the plane, come on!" Vivianna rolled her eyes, stuffing her charger into her backpack as she gathered her bags and walked out the door. Of course, forgetting her laptop on her desk, and failing to remember the story she would never finish.


A/N: I'm so very sorry for the long-awaited epilogue. As am I a little sorry for the ending. However, this was how I had it planned out the entire time, I just didn't know how I wanted to go about it.

One of the reasons I ended it the way I did was because I wish I could've gotten justice for the abusive boyfriend that I had the way that Vivianna got with Chris. And so in turn writing her writing her hopeful future was almost like a therapy to me.

I just want to thank you guys so so so much for taking the time to read this book and hopefully fall in love with how I portrayed and wrote the characters. This has definitely been one of the most thought-out books I've written, as well as one that's in a Modern!AU instead of a fictional world or the MCU. As much as I did enjoy writing this kind of AU, I learned I do enjoy fictional worlds and characters more. The endless possibility of powers, as well as an escape from this reality.

Again, thank you guys, and please check out any of my other books I have if you like my writing. I'm currently not writing any others with MCU characters but I do have an idea for a Stucky x reader however it's only an idea right now. As well as three other completed books with Loki, Steve, and Bucky. I also have a Tumblr which I write one-shots on and is also Lokiswifeduh.

Thank you for reading this book, I love you guys 3000 <3

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