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"Darling.." I felt a warm hand envelop mine as I forced my eyes open. Squinting, I saw Tom's figure sitting by my bed. "Tom." I smiled, sitting up to wrap my arms around his neck. He reciprocated, holding my body to his tightly. "I'm so glad you're alright." He mumbled into my neck, holding the back of my head with his palm. I nodded, burrowing myself even more into his embrace. "I'm so sorry about Aaron." Tom shook his head, "I should be the sorry one."

I pulled away slightly, his hands moving up to cup my cheeks as he wiped away a couple of fallen tears. "I should have stopped you from stepping in front of me." I shook my head, denying, "I should have tried harder to calm him down."

Tom took a deep breath, a tear now slipping down his face. "I should have locked the fucking door." We both let out a laugh, gazing into each other's eyes as if we'd disappear any moment. 

"Mhm." A voice cleared their throat as I looked to the door. A brunette nurse stood there, a smile on her face as she walked in and to my beside. "Sorry for..." She looked between us two, giving me a knowing smirk, "Interrupting." I scooted a little more into the bed, still holding onto Tom's hand with a death grip. "It's okay."

She nodded, "My name is Kat and I'll be the nurse until you leave which is hour." I looked at the clock, "Wow, I really slept for a while." She nodded, "That's what morphine does." Nodding, I laid my head back, letting her take my vitals. I think I almost broke Tom's hand from how hard I was holding it as the pressure cuff squeezed my bicep. 

"Alright," Nurse Kat nodded, "You're all good. You'll be discharged within the hour and given specific rules to follow from home since the concussion won't be easy on your head." She turned to Tom, "I assume you'll be taking care of her." I attempted to shake my head, "Oh, no we aren-"

"Yes, I will." He gave me a quick glance, "Anything specific I should know?"

I was left speechless as she discussed certain restrictions I'd have to follow within the next two weeks. "Sunglasses going outside will be a big help in case of light glares. No climbing, stairs and hiking included. And of course drink plenty of water and rest." Tom nodded, listening intently. "After about three days you can do some activities but nothing too stimulating." She continued, handing him a packet of the information she had just gone over. 

Tom took it, placing it in his satchel that sat beside the bed. "Alright, Well thank you." Kat nodded, "Of course." Turning to me she placed a hand on my thigh, "Good luck Miss Johnson. I don't hope to see you back here, respectfully." I let out a small laugh, "Thank you."

"I'll let you get changed.." She walked out, leaving the two of us in silence as a tension spread throughout the room. "So." I turned to Tom, "You'll be..taking care of me apparently."

He nodded, "Florence said it was alright if you stayed with me."

"You asked her?"

Tom shook his head, "She doesn't want you on campus and around Aaron since he lied to everyone." I lifted my hand, rubbing the back of it against my eyes. That was until a stinging pain erupted through my hand and I realized the IV was still attached. 

"Fuck, I hate this thing." I ripped the tape and started to pull when Tom shouted, "No, Viv! I-"

The small tube slowly snaked out my hand as I grabbed a spare bandaid from the side cart. Placing a tissue below the bandaid, I laid the bloody IV onto the bed as crimson drips soaked the while blanket. Sighing, I threw my legs over the side and stood up, only to see Tom's shocked face looking down at me. "What?"

He let out a breath, "What?" I nodded, wanting to know. "You just pulled a plastic tube from your vein and you're asking me what?"

I shrugged, "It was itchy."

Tom chuckled, "You definitely are something." My lips curved up in a small smile hearing him. I turned, picking up my phone from the nightstand. "Uhm, darling?" 

"Yeah?" I questioned, still not facing him. 

"You have lovely hello kitty panties." I dropped my phone to the table, looking back and seeing my ass sticking out wide and clear from the split section of the hospital dressing. "Fuck." I cursed, turning around and hiding the underwear, which Flo had clearly picked, from his sight. 

He laughed, his nose crinkling as his dimples indented. "Here." Pulling out an outfit from the brown shopping bag, I took them and rushed to the bathroom, keeping my front to him as I walked around. I was about to close the door until he smirked and said, "Nothing I haven't seen before, my love."

I groaned, throwing up my middle finger as I closed the door in his face. However, hearing his laugh from the other side made my scowl turn into a soft smile. This man really was something. 


"Just through here." Tom helped me up the steps and inside. I had been here only once yet the familiar smell of sandalwood and teak mahogany make me feel like I was home. Well, It was his home. 

"I had Florence get the couch situated." I looked up to him, "Flo?"

Suddenly my body was tackled as bright blonde hair invaded my vision. "Oh, I'm so glad your okay." I laughed, hugging her back. 

"Miss Pugh, please be careful." Tom encouraged, sitting my bag down by the steps. She pulled back rolling her eyes, "She's fine. Viv is tougher than she looks." I looked to Tom, "Yeah, I'm tough." He chuckled, placing a kiss on my forehead, "I know, my love."

"Come on," Flo pulled me to sit on the couch when all of the sudden Bobby jumped up, licking my face as I giggled and fell to my side. "He missed you." Tom handed me a bottle of water, rubbing soft circles on my arms as Flo snuggled into my side. 

"Thank you." I looked to both of them. "For everything." Tom leaned, placing a kiss on my lips and then to my forehead, "Of course, my love."

I felt a heat grow to my cheeks as Tom rounded the couch to make some tea. Flo poked my side, making me smack her hand and look down at her. "Ouch."

 She laughed, "You two are just too cute."


A/N: So sorry for the late update! I had a reading fest over spring break and haven't had a chance to sit down and really write. 

Also, I got my prom dress today! It's maroon and floor-length. It has lace sleeves and an open back! I hate my arms so I'm obsessed. I'm plus size so I was on the verge of tears after crying all morning searching for dresses but I'm so glad I found one. 

 Plus It has POCKETS. Any dress that has pockets is a win for me. 

Anyways, thank you for reading and don't forget to leave comments and vote!!

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