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It was Monday. Which meant classes officially started. I wore a pair of jeans and a flannel. Per Flo's request. Apparently, I need to stop looking like my grandmother and start looking like an actual young adult. I chose my own shoes of course. 

Now we were walking to class, accompanied by Lizzie. She had shown us around campus and dropped a few other kids off at their correct rooms. She pointed, showing Florence where her first hour was. "I'll see you later, good luck babes." Flo hugged me, waving goodbye as she entered her class. 

"Okay, and what is your first block again?" I looked at my phone, pulling up the digital schedule. "Mr. Stan. Psychology." Liz nodded, gesturing down the hall. 

We stopped in front of the door. "Okay so you're a few minutes late but he shouldn't mind." I nodded, "Alright." 

"Good luck, and let me know if you need anything." She touched my shoulder, smiling before walking to her own class. 

I took a deep breath, pushing the door open. I was met with 30 or more faces staring right back at me. 'fuck' I cursed in my head, wanting to just crawl in a hole and disappear. Walking to the only empty seat, I sat right in the front. 

Of course, I would have luck like this. 

The teacher walked from behind the desk. He was brunette, with quite a distinguished jawline. He had on a chevron sweater, paired with tan khakis. I had noticed no one was talking and everyone was looking at me. I didn't think I was that late. 

"Well hello, Miss...."

I cleared my throat, sitting up a little straighter. "Johnson."

He hummed, crossing his arms. "Your 15 minutes late Miss Johnson." I nodded, "I couldn't find the room."

"It's on your schedule."

I looked down at my phone, seeing the numbers clearly under his name. "Yes. I just-"

"Don't be late again, Miss Johnson."

I nodded again, looking down. My face was definitely flushed and I felt nauseous beyond belief. What a great start to my first day. 


The rest of my classes had gone smoothly and I was now going into my last block. After the embarrassment with Mr. Stan, I made it my mission to not be late to any others. My schedule had gotten switched which made me inevitably late to my new math block. Mr. Downey. Who flirted with half the girls within the first 30 minutes. I'm just glad I stayed in the back and avoided his gaze. 

I made my way through the hallway, looking down at my schedule. I saw someone standing beside me.

 Without looking up I asked, "I'm looking for Professor Hiddleston's classroom. Do you know where that-"

"Right here, darling."

That voice. I knew it was him. Looking up, I saw his perfect blue eyes staring right down at me. His chiseled jawline and the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly. I'm sure I looked quite the mess, staring down without looking where I was going. 

He gestured to the sign that was hanging down in the hallway. "Language Arts Wing."

I let out a small laugh, "Well, that's very...embarrassing- thank you." I mumbled in between, turning off my phone and walking past him. The sweet scent of pine and sandalwood filled my senses as he gave me a smile. 

My heart skipped a beat. And I'm sure I would pass out if it weren't for the desk I plopped down into. At the very back of course. Professor Hiddleston closed the door, walking down the aisle and to his desk at the front. "Alright! Ladies, gentlemen and whoever else is joining us." I smiled lightly at his ability to talk formally, yet laid back at the same time. 

"If you're in the right class then you'll be learning Literary Science! Usually, Mr. Mackie would be teaching it but seeing as he opted to switch courses over the weekend... I will now be your teacher." 

A brunette girl raised her hand, making Professor Hiddleston point to her. "So what do we do if we're in English and Literary science?" 

He nodded, "We are conjoining the classes. Mr. Mackie will be co-teaching with Mr. Stan and I'll be teaching one course this semester, then English next semester." I could hear a couple of groans from the group. But all I could focus on was the way Professor Hiddleston's eyes landed directly on mine after answering her question. 

"Any other's?" He asked, still keeping his eyes on me. A few hands went up but he nodded slowly, unintentionally ignoring them. I felt my face get hot as his eyes trailed up and down my body once again. Taking a deep breath, I felt the way my heart stopped. Moving my left leg over my right I looked down, causing him to take his eyes off me. 

"Alright well! Let's get started!" Everyone's hands went down, confused as to what just happened. 

"You will be learning this semester, literary science." He jotted down on his iPad, the words coming up on the screen behind him. "Now this would pertain to the history of literature, literary criticism, comparative literature, and literary theory." I tuned out the rest of his sentence. Focused on the way his hand moved the pen so smoothly. The way his throat tightened when he spoke. How his suit stretched in the right places. Compressing on his biceps, showing his muscles through the fabric. His green eyes stare at the iPad, occasionally looking up to greet the eyes of the students. 

Oh right, students. 

I sat up straighter, wiping my hands on my jeans where sweat had seeped through. I needed to get a hold of myself. I was basically eye-fucking this man in front of a classful of college students. He was my college Professor. I couldn't be thinking of him like that. 

Unless he was thinking of me like that?

No. He wasn't. I'm his student. It would be unprofessional. 


The class went by faster than I had expected. I attempted to keep my eyes off of him. But seeing as he was the teacher, it's hard. I was smacked back into reality when the bell went off. Alerting us that this block was over. 

"Alright! Bring your copy of Jayne Eyre tomorrow! We will be starting the discussion of chapters one through ten!" I gathered my things, quickly attempting to get out before the crowd's gathered in the hall. I hated large groups. I could handle a classroom, only if I was sitting in the back. But walking through a hallway of a hundred or more students. No thank you. 

Yet of course my rush was put on hold as I heard my name being called. "Miss Johnson!"  I turned, seeing Professor Hiddleston move his middle and index finger in a 'come here' motion. I took a deep breath, walking down the aisle until I was at his desk. 

"Yes, Professor?"

His eyes squinted, "I would like to have a talk."

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