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As I walked through the halls, toward the enrollment office all I could think about was the guilt settling in my chest.

I hadn't told Aaron, Lizzie, or even any of my teachers I was dropping out. I couldn't go to Flo, she was still mad. And I couldn't stand up against Chris, the bruises and cuts on my body proved that.

I wanted to cry, scream, and lock myself in a janitor's closet so no one could ever find me. But the way Chris explained it, this would be for the best.

He made enough money now to support us both. A bigger house, further away from campus. A..more peaceful life. At least that's what he promised.

I took a deep breath, pushing open the door to the office. A woman sat at the front desk with a smile on her face. "Hi! How can I help you?"

Swallowing the bile rising in my throat, I step forward and brace my hands on the ledge. "I'd like to withdrawal..from classes." The lady made an 'o' shape with her mouth, dipping down under the desk to pull out a form. "Fill this out, student ID at the top, the reason for leaving, and then your signature at the bottom." I nodded, taking the paper and a pencil as I sat down in one of the many chairs in the office waiting room. 

I filled the entirety of the form out, lying as my reason for withdrawal. Claiming financial reasons. Scribbling out my signature, I walked the form up to the lady and placed it on the desk. "Is there anything else I need to do?" I questioned, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket; Chris. 

She shook her head only to hold up her hand a moment later, "The request should be processed by the end of the day but just as a precaution I wanted to let you know that any financial debts or leftover payments you still have won't disappear with the enrollment. You'll still have to pay your account in full." I nodded, "I understand." She slipped the paper into a folder as she stood, "Have a good day dearie, I'm sorry to see you go!" 

I gave her a smile back, making my way from the office without another word. I wanted to be off campus as soon as possible, not wanting to see my brother or any other nosy parties. But again, I have no luck in the world as I saw Mr. Stan heading my way with a determined expression on his face. 

"Miss Johnson." I shook my head, "You can't call me that anymore."

"What?" His brows furrowed, "Your name?"

I shook my head, "Nevermind. What do you want?"

He looked around, seeing there were no other students passing by as he leaned in, "I know you were...distraught when you found out about Tom and Jessica." I scoffed, trying to step by but was pulled back as he gripped my arm. My eyes widened as I ripped his hand from my bicep. "Don't touch me!"

He held both hands in the air, stepping back and out of my personal space. "But don't let one bad situation make you run to another." It was my turn for my brows to furrow in confusion as I lowered my voice, "What are you talking about?"

Mr. Stan gulped, "You know what I'm talking about."

I  shook my head, "You're no longer my professor which gives you no right to talk to me like this." He looked over to where I had stepped out of the enrollment office, the pieces fitting together in his mind. "You dropped out." 

Nodding, I ignored the buzzing in my pocket, "As I said, you're no longer my professor."

"Fine," He stepped closer, the intimidating stance making me back up slightly. "I'm not your teacher but now I'm a concerned bystander."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about." He spoke in a low voice, "Don't play stupid because we both know you aced every single test in my class..well." Mr. Stan tilted his head, "The ones you attended." I bit my tongue, Chris's angry figure catching my eye through the glass doors. "Again, no idea what you're talking about. I gotta go."

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